Dances And Old Memories

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Suzu's POV

~Next Week (Tuesday)~

The bell rang and Haruhi wasn't in the Host Club yet. How dare she, leaving me alone like this, in these retarded fake tropics. They actually made me wear a bikini and a straw skirt, but I covered myself with a long sleeve white shirt. My hair was decorated with a lilac on the right side of my hair. "Suzu-chan!" Honey called. "Why are you wearing a shirt? Shouldn't you be wearing a bikini and a skirt alone?" He questioned. I bent down to his level. "Well, I didn't exactly like the fact of hosting boys with a bikini on, so I just put this shirt over it!" I answered. The door opened, gaining our attention, and there stood Haruhi, with a blank look on her face. "You're so late! What were you doing, leaving me alone with THESE bloody wankers?" I asked. "Ya know, I could be wrong, but my calendar says it's early spring." Haruhi stated, completely ignoring my question. "Cuddling together in the cold is NONSENSE! Besides, the heating system here is AMAZING!" Tamaki exclaimed, doing his weird poses again. "Do you two have a problem with how we run the club? Answer wisely, you owe us 8,000,000 yen, remember?" Kyoya asked cooly. "Ugh, I remember, but I don't have a problem with cosplay, I actually did a lot of cosplay back in the old days." I stated, while Haruhi freaked out, remembering the event that occured last week. Tamaki blurted on about how the Host Club turned this room into Nirvana and such. The Host Club opened a few minutes later, after giving up on making Haruhi wear something related to the guys' cosplays. I wasn't requested, and neither was Haruhi, so we just served our guests tea and such. While I was attending the twins' table, they were conversing about a party that was being sponsored by the Host Club. "A party? When did this happen?" I questioned. "They were planning it before you got here, Suzu." The twins stated at the same time. I walked away to my respective table, because Tenshi came in for yours truly. "Good afternoon Tenshi!" I greeted with a closed eyes smile. "Sit down, I have some tea ready for us!" I exclaimed. Tenshi took a seat next to mine. "Are you ready for the party?" He asked. "Oh, no. I just learned about the party a few minutes ago. Plus, I'm not much of a fancy dancer." I replied. "I never really did at parties, I just sat aside and singed along to the music." I was speaking honestly, because even if I am a performing arts student, I'm not a complete package. "If you want to, I can show you how to waltz. I'm not all too good either, but I can help." He stated. "Really? Oh, thank you so much, Tenshi! But you don't have to if you don't want to." I had huge eyes, and a soft smile. I was really happy that he would show me, even if he isn't perfect at it either, which makes it better!

~Magical Time Skip~

Tamaki was sulking at another table away from the other hosts, and was eating ramen. RAMEN PEOPLE! "Hey boss, why don't you stop eating that commoners ramen and come help us plan for the party?" The brothers asked yet again at the same time. "I saw that this girl was somewhat flirting with Haruhi, saying she's her new favorite host. Is that why?" I asked, confused. "Well, it's obvious, she's had the illness for a while now, hasn't she?" Kyoya spoke, still typing something on his computer. "What illness?" Haruhi questioned, confused as well. "She's got the Host Hopping disease." Hikaru answered. "AKA the Never The Same Boy Twice disease." Kaoru finished. "Usually, a guest sticks to one Host, but she changes her favorite very frequently. Her last favorite was Tamaki, that's why he's sulking and such." Kyoya explained. "Oh, so he's upset because I stole her?" She spoke, finally understanding the situation. "SHUT UP! I DON'T CARE AT ALL! UGH! I'M OUT OF PATIENCE! HARUHI, IT'S TIME YOU START DRESSING LIKE SUZU!" Tamaki yelled. "HEY, DON'T BRING ME INTO THIS BLOODY ARGUEMENT!" I screamed, annoyed. "I DON'T GET IT! WHY ARE YOU SO GOOD WITH THE LADIES IF YOU ARE A LADY TOO?!" Tamaki continued, completely ignoring me. I just stayed quiet for the rest of their mini-fight, twiddling my thumbs and stuff. I only do that when I'm sad... It's okay. You're not being forgotten. Oblivion is inevitable, but it's not happening now. I comforted myself, and remembered I had to go home with Haruhi. We were supposed to be on our way by now, so I freaked out. "HARUHI COME ON! WE GOTZ TO GOOOOOO!" I yelled, getting my stuff together, along with Haruhi's. I grabbed Haruhi by her collar and yanked, dragging her next to me as I ran out the door to our house at full speed. "WHAT THE HELL, SUZU? ARE YOU PART CAR OR SOMETHING?" She screeched as I was nearing the apartment. "I guess so, now COME ON!" I answered, going even faster, which I didn't know was humanly possible. 

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