17 | maybe

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A / N

Kinda like this chapter and kinda don't. I am confused. Also, to anyone who thinks Anika already loves Shivaay, it's not the case. Give these characters time. They haven't even built a quarter of their relationships yet. Unlike what I usually do, I want to take this story slow. No matter how many chapter it takes because I like this story.

Dedicated to Music_It_Is


17 | maybes

ANIKA WATCHED AS Gauri talked excitedly about the sale that was going to start in two days. As they walked to Gauri’s room, Anika noticed just how much she used hand gestures.

She could see how Omkara and Gauri happened. Gauri was loud, quick and easy going while Omkara was an ambivert, analyzing and uptight. It was a perfect balance.

As the conversation started to get boring, Anika was paying attention to random things. Her eyes flitted to the wall and her eyes widened. There were photo frames stuck all over it and she wondered just how exactly she had missed it considering it was right on the wall in front of their room. They varied from family pictures to random aesthetic pictures. All in all, the wall had her attention.

Soon Gauri realized Anika wasn't paying attention and she halted in what she was saying. “These are beautiful,” Anika whispered softly and Gauri barely caught on but a smile adorned her lips nonetheless.

“Yeah, how can they not when the photographer is none other than Shivaay Bhaiya?” she mused, bouncing on her heel.

Anika whirled her head in her direction so fast that it surprised Anika that her neck wasn't broken. “He did?!” she asked incredulously, eyes widening. When Gauri nodded, Anika’s mouth hung open for a few moments before she closed it and murmured, “Wow.”

“He’s had an obsession with photographing ever since he was a kid. And he's looked at almost everything through that camera of his. I wonder how you don't know about these considering he always talks about it. But then again,” Gauri sighed, “his passion kinda diminished.” Her eyes were sad and she wondered why.

“What happened?” Anika asked softly.

“After… let’s not talk about it. I don't think it's my place to tell. You will eventually find out.” And she wiped the corner of her eye, plastering a smile on her face–which didn't even seem fake–as she moved closer to the frames. “You see this one?” she pointed to the a picture of a girl whose hair was only visible. She had luscious black hair that cascaded down her waist. The soft curls at the end made those hair look so pretty. “If I remember correctly, he clicked it when he saw you for the first time, finding your hair aesthetic enough to click a picture.” Gauri laughed quietly to herself but Anika’s jaw had dropped.

She looked at the picture again. Those hair were hers. Ludicrous. She glanced at her hair from her peripheral vision. They were barely visible in her peripheral vision also so it seemed ridiculous that those black hair in the picture could be hers.

“I was thinking we could give you a little makeover if you want. Get your hair colored and cut nicely. What do you think?”

She thought about it for a moment and then a smile lit up her face as she nodded. Maybe this was what she needed. “Yeah, that would be great,” she said, turning to the pictures on the wall once again and staring longingly at her own picture. Her eyes moved over to the pictures. In one of the pictures Gauri was pulling Rudra’s ear, glaring at him. Anika giggled. “Why are you pulling his ear? What did this big baby do?”

Chaotic Hearts | ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें