Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

Lucas and Jason's car was parked in the forest, and I was completely shocked that no one tried to take it for the week they've been stuck with me inside the house.

Jason offered to take the driver's seat, seeing as though he had so much adrenaline coursing through his veins.

Both Lucas and I sat in the back seat. Originally, I planned on being there myself so I could sleep, but Lucas being Lucas protested and said he would be there with me.

When the car turned onto the street, I glanced at the screen by the dashboard and noticed how long we'll be driving before we reached back home.

Closing my eyes, I rested my head gently on Lucas' shoulder — but not too hard. I didn't want to put too much weight on him.

But when I woke up after what seemed like a few hours, my eyes fluttered open until it focused on the seat in front of me. But it was sideways.

I quickly began to realize that I was lying down on the seat. Before I was able to move though, I felt something under me shift, and I winced, already knowing what situation I was currently in.

My gaze shifted up, and I immediately saw Lucas' icy blue eyes glancing outside. From my worm's eye point of view, I saw his sharp jaw line and high cheekbones.

I must have kept my eyes on him too long because when he finally looked down, he smiled before raising his eyebrows. "I can feel you looking at me, Hope," he chuckled.

My neck began to sting painfully as I sat up.

While rubbing my neck, I noticed it was still pitch black outside while we were driving down a long road with trees covering both sides.

"Where are we?" I whispered, looking to Lucas, who only sighed before replying.

"We're almost at my house. Just a few more minutes," he explained, and I slowly nodded before looking into the darkness.

The only source of light was coming from the headlights.

"Lucas I don't feel comftorable being here," I looked at him, and his eyes softened when he noticed the panic in my eyes.

"My dad's probably not even home. Don't worry."

I shook my head and looked out the window to see Lucas' massive three story house come into view. "Why didn't we see him in the house we were locked in?"

Lucas shrugged unknowingly. "Probably because he isn't part of it as much as he used to. He has a job which takes up enough of his time."

I nodded my head in understanding as I watched as Jason pulled up into the driveway before putting the car on park.

Jason was the first to get off of the car, followed by Lucas. When he was standing straight, he turned back to the door and opened his hand, indirectly offering his hand to help me out of the car.

"Thanks," I smiled softly as I pretended that his touch didn't burn my skin.

The three of us walked up to the front of the house before Jason rang the doorbell.

In seconds, the front door was thrown open, revealing Lucas' former nanny and current cook, Sadie.

Her face lightened up in seconds when she spotted the three of us. When her eyes finally settled on Lucas, she glared.

"Lucas Scott. You disappear without a word for a week. What do you have to say for yourself?" She asked with raised eyebrows as she held her hip.

"I'm tired, and I want to go to sleep," he stated, moving around her before entering the inside of the house.

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