Chapter 30

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Chapter 30


Right when Emma left the hall, Lucas sighed. "I still don't get why you both didn't tell me," Jason commented and Lucas rolled his eyes.

"Because in fifth grade, we lied to you about our feelings and that ended up with us hating each other for almost six years," Lucas drawled out, but didn't wait for Jason to respond as he began marching his way to the front door.

"This time, I'm not gonna let you get in the way," Lucas threw over his shoulder before exiting the building.

When Lucas made his way outside, he immediately saw a tall man wearing all black carrying something inside the back of a white van.

Squinting, Lucas noticed it wasn't something, it was someone. Lucas' speed increased until he was chasing the driving vehicle, but when it drove out of the parking lot, Lucas screamed.


Without a second thought, Lucas ran to his car, powering it up right away using telekinesis.

Right when the car was geared into drive, Lucas drove it in the direction when the van went, easily catching up to them until they were bumper to bumper.

Suddenly, the van ahead of him began speeding before taking a sharp turn into a dark alley.

Lucas followed without questioning his actions, however, when he turned, no car was in front of him. Only a dead end.


"Fuck," Lucas yelled out of iritation as he began reversing out of the alley.

Thoughts of how to find Emma filled his head as he sped home, coming to one conclusion. Confronting his father.

When he was welcomed past the gate, Lucas sped down the long road until his house appeared. He didn't wait for the car to fully stop until he parked the car before running up the steps.

"Father," he shouted, but all he could hear was deafening silence.

Lucas' jaw clenched painfully as he stomped to his Xavier's office, which was further down the hall on the first floor.

When Lucas reached the front of the door, he didn't bother to knock.

Throwing the door open, Lucas glared at Xavier, who was causally leaning back on his seat with his feet propped up on the large cherry wood desk in front of him.

"Son," Xavier greeted with a small nod. "What brings your visit?"

Lucas' glare hardened at the thought of him playing dumb. Without thinking twice, he took two long strides until he was right in front of Xavier's desk.

He rested both hands on the desk in front of him. Slowly, Lucas leaned down with narrowed eyes. "Where, is Emma?"

Xavier sighed loudly, but Lucas didn't miss how his lips tipped up slightly. "Son. Why care for her so much? You're a hunter. You're born to kill people like her."

"Where is she?" Lucas demanded again, but Xavier laughed.

"Lucas, for you to be aware if she's alive or not, you have to prove your loyalty to the organization," Xavier admitted and his eyes widened.

"Organization? What the fuck—"

"There is so much you don't understand Lucas," Xavier sighed in disappointment before removing his feet off of the desk. "Join us. We can show you a whole new point of view."

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