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Bobby breaks down in tears, and crashes down towards the ground

"How could you do this to me?"

Oli was speechless. Oli never expected Lauren to kiss him, or for Bobby to walk into all of it. Oli felt disgusting, guilty and ashamed, even if he wasn't the one who engaged the kiss.

"Bobby.. I didn't know you were coming.." Lauren says.

"So, if I wasn't coming.. you'd just carry this thing on forward?!"

"Bobby, man— calm down, I can explain—" Oli gets cut off.

"No, I CAN'T CALM DOWN. I'M HEARTBROKEN. The person, I loved, I put my energy towards.. just does all this crap behind my back. I remember that time I forgave you when I saw you, with my own two eyes, making out with my best friend and so many other men!!"

Bobby looked like he was experiencing so much emotions at once. Sadness, anger, relief, worry..

Bobby's POV

I knew Lauren was like this, yet I gave her multiple chances.. I can't believe the fact that I believed her when she said she was sorry when she was with my best friend. Who knows how many men she's been with since then? I felt so betrayed.. used, and unwanted. I felt so broken. All I wanted to was break down and cry, and just scream at the top of my lungs. I never knew heartbreak was really this difficult.

As a child, I remember telling myself I would never, ever cry over these "pathetic" relationship issues. But.. now, here I am.. crying over them. I'm weak and I'm unworthy. 

Back to Lizzie.

I heard loud yelling, screaming, and crying from downstairs. I went down to check what all the ruckus was all about. Scott was behind me.

I saw.. Bobby?!

"How could you do this to me Lauren, I-I gave you so many chances.. so many damn chances.."

Lauren was silent for a while, until she finally spoke.

"Bobby, listen.. I don't like you anymore. I have better men."

"Then why couldn't you just end things off and get a divorce?! Don't you understand how difficult this is? How would you like it if someone you loved with all your heart was cheating on you?!"

"I didn't end things off, because it's just a lot more fun doing all this to you."

"Lauren, once upon a time.. you weren't like this. What's gotten into you?!"

Lauren didn't say anything, but Oli decided too.

"Lauren has been attempting weird stuff on me, and I swear I never did engage that ki—"

"No worries, Oli. I noticed you were just standing while she was just kissing you without your permission. I get it."

"Thank god, and also Lauren.. you're kicked out."

"WAIT WHAT? WHY?" Lauren screams

"At first when you were here, you were decent.. or so I thought. You were just.. really creepy around me. I thought it was just how you were, recently things have been getting out of hand. You've caused everyone enough drama, please pack your bags and leave."

"O-Oli, you can't do this to me.. I know deep down inside that cute little heart of yours, you love me. For sure." Lauren sobs.

"Don't put on this act! Please just leave.."


Lauren dashes out, not even getting her things.

Bobby looked upset.

"Why did I give her chances?" Bobby whispered..

Me and Scott were looking at them from the stairs. We were shocked, and disgusted. We couldn't believe what Lauren did to poor Bobby.

"Bobby." Oli said.


"Lauren told me that you guys got into an argument and was getting divorced, was it all a lie?"

Bobby was surprised.

"W-what.." Bobby stuttered "Yes, it was a lie.. but.. she really lied about our relationship?"

Bobby continues to talk, and talk.. and Oli was there to comfort him.

I sigh, and me and Scott finally walk down.

"You gave her so many chances, because you were afraid. Afraid of her leaving you, afraid of her leaving you officially for someone better. Even though that's what she was doing, you didn't wanna lose what mattered to you most." I say. "I was with Joel once. I had feelings of him cheating on me, yet I never confronted him.. and I shrugged it all off as me just imagining things. He told me he didn't have feelings for me anymore, I-I was upset. But Oli was there for me, and we'll all be here for you, Bobby. You aren't alone."

Scott, Oli, and I hug Bobby. We all end up eating a big bowl of ice cream, watching YouTube, playing video games and having a great bonding experience overall.

I woke up, and everyone was still asleep. Bobby looked pretty happy while sleeping. I'm glad we all helped him out. And Oli.. he was drooling on the sofa, and his hair was messy. Scott, he was just perfectly sleeping.

I received a call from Yasmine.

"Oh hey Yasmine, what's up?"

"Well, you went on dates with everyone yet?"

"Yeah, I have. Sasha, Asuna, and Oli."

"It's time for you to choose in between them.."


"Yes, now."

"How am I gonna do this?" Lizzie asks.

"Ask all three of them to meet you somewhere at a specific time, tell them it's time you choose.. and make the descion."





Next chapter will probably be the last chapter!


Thanks for reading!!

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