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I curl up into a ball, sobbing.

I heard a knock at the door, I walk over there and look into the little hole where you could see who someone was (yeah.. I don't know the name for it)

It was Yasmine! What was she doing here?

I open up the door and let her in.

"Hey Yammy."

"Hey Lizzie- oh god.. you look awful."

"Yeah, I know.. and what're you doing here?"

"I was contacted by Oli to come over and check up on you.. I know we haven't really talked that much, but I want you to know I'm here for you."

I let out a deep breath.


I walk over to my bed, and Yasmine follows along. I sit down, and she sits on a chair around my bed.

I felt so overwhelmed with everything, I just had to tell Yasmine what was going on. 


"I guess.."

Yasmine lets out a big sigh.

"You should choose a person that you believe you're most compatible with."

"How could I even choose between them? I don't want them to be hurt.

"Well, you have to choose between them. You shouldn't continuously make them wait for an answer from you.."

"Okay.. but do you have any ideas on how.. I could choose?"

"Well.. You could go on a date with each one of them, and get to know each of them a little bit better."

Yasmine had an amazing idea, then I could choose who I really love more..

But.. I'm scared to go on a date with each of them.

"Lizzie? Earth to Lizzie!"

"Yeah. Sounds good.."

"But.. before going on all of the dates, is there someone you know for SURE, that you don't wanna go on a date with?"

I was scared to say Joel's name, I feel like an awful person. What Joel said to me eariler seemed like he really wanted to change, but.. I'm scared of him just cheating on me all over again..


"Okay, then just go on three dates. Oli, Sasha and.. what was her name?"


"Yeah, her. Anyways, Lizzie.. I hoped this helped you. Remember to choose!"

Yasmine gets up, and walks out of the room.

Okay, I guess I have to go on dates now and choose who I want..




Episode music once again. Also SHORT CHAPTER!!! (yay lol)

The next few chapters will be Lizzie going on dates to see who she chooses to end up with. And I was planning on writing the next chapter after I had gotten enough votes in the comments.. but I decided that isn't something I wanna do with this story, but probably in my next story (if you read it *highly doubt you will*) you'll be able to choose who you wanna end up with. Next chapters will be out soon!



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