Asuna (pt.5)

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I look up at Oli nervously.

"Oh hey."

"Lizzie, what are you doing?"

"I'm just.. Cleaning up some OJ."

"Oh.. Nice."

We stare into each others eyes. I stay there still and frozen with my knees bent, and Oli looking down at me.. frozen too. It felt like we were the only people in the whole event, just us.

UNTIL.. I hear a very familiar voice.

"Hey Olipoo!" 

It was Lauren.

Oli moves and turns to Lauren's direction

"Oh hey Lauren!"

"You know, you should make a nickname up for me! I don't wanna be the only person using nicknames..."

"Okay, your new nickname is Laurey."

"Meh.. I don't like that, you should call me Pretty girl instead."


I get up off the ground.

"Oh, I didn't know that was you on the ground. I thought it was some sorta rat." Lauren says loudly for people to hear


I hear footsteps from around us, and I look.


"Oh hey Lizzie, Oli.. and um, BRAT." Scott says

"Hey, I am not a brat! Oli!! Tell him!!" Lauren replies

"Um.. Scott.. Lauren isn't a brat??"

"UGH!" Scott yells

Lauren giggles

Asuna comes towards me and whispers in my ear

"What is going on? Why are they here?"

"I don't know.." I whisper back.

"WHY IS ASUNA HERE????" Scott yells "Lizzie. Bathroom, NOW!"

Scott grabbed my hand tightly, and dragged me into the bathroom.

"Okay, what is going on??" Scott yells


"I mean't what is going on between you and Asuna?"

"Why do you care about her all of a sudden? You never really cared about her the day you were at the Pizzeria."

"I care EXTREMELY right now because you invited Asuna to come to this event with you!"

"Didn't you say that you were out with Callum?"

"Yes, I was.. But it ended early since Callums family came over and apparently something bad happened to one of his family members."



I explained that I was stressed with everything that was going on.

"JESUS! Lauren yelled at you?"

"Yeah. She told me that Oli was hers, and she eavesdropped on our conversation." Lizzie says "Oh, and also.. Why did you come to this event after?"

"Well, I eavesdropped on Oli and Lauren and I asked them to take them with me. I wanted to explore with them, and make sure that Lauren wasn't doing anything with Oli."


After me and Scott explained everything to eachother, and caught eachother up on stuff

Asuna was outside our door.

"So, Lizzie.. if you had more friends, would you have went with someone else?"

I wasn't really sure what to say. The truth is, if I did have more friends.. I would've went with someone else. I just don't have any friends so I invited Asuna. But I don't regret it, she's been extremely nice towards me.


Lauren comes towards us

"Jesus Scott, you tell so much.. my ears are starting to bleed." Lauren says "Oh, and also.. Lizzie, remember what I said about Oli? HE'S MINE."

"Why are you so obsessed with Oli?" Asuna asks out of curosity.

"Well.. The day I saved him, he was so weak.. and he was so kind to me!! He made me laugh with his dorky jokes while he was in pain and he treated me like I was royalty. That's why I love him sooo much!!"

"He probably only treated you like royalty because you helped him." Scott glares "Also, he tells everybody dorky jokes. You aren't a special snowflake, Lauren!"

Lauren gets angry.

"What about that time he kissed me? Does he kiss everyone?" Lauren giggles

At that moment, I froze. Oli kissed someone.. AND MORE SPECIFICALLY LAUREN? He never even kissed me once. Oli confessed his feelings for me long ago, but he forgot about it all. What if it never even meant anything?.. he never even kissed me.. But Lauren got a kiss..

"You're lying." Scott says

"No.. I'm not. I have video evidence."




Hey everybody! Thank you so so much for 10k reads! And also, this story is officially a 1 year old! The first chapter was written last year on September 6th. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and tell me your thoughts and questions on things below.


☆ThAnkS foR reAdiNg☆

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