̶ ̶a̶m̶ ̶i̶ ̶s̶a̶f̶e̶?̶ ̶ ̶

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Joel took off the rope, and let me be free.

"There you go Lizzie!" He says

Lizzie could hear the sounds of her dog, Meri, and Buddy, her cat.

"When I someday get out of here, I'll make sure to take you two along." Lizzie thinks.

"Oh, Lizzie.. Are you distracted by the sounds of the pets? I know. They're incredibly annoying. I can take care of that.. if you'd like." Joel says

The way Joel said the sentence frightened Lizzie.. his tone of voice.. 

"Uh, Joel.. It's fine! I just was thinking about stuff." Lizzie says, nervously shaking.

"What kind of stuff?" 

Joel leans into her face

"N-nothing important, just.. thinking about.. g-groceries! That's all!"

Joel leans out

"Oh, do you want me to get you groceries Lizzie? I can do that right now." 

"This is the perfect opportunity for me to escape!"

Excitedly, Lizzie says yes.

"Great to hear, just make a list.. here you go.. pencil and paper.."

Lizzie quickly writes out a bunch of groceries for Joel to buy.

"Wow, you finished that list fast, baby!"

"I feel so uncomfortable with him calling me baby.. But I guess I should play along.."

"Yeah, I sure did."

"Let me buy these, and I'll lock the doors because I don't want you to escape! But I highly doubt you'll try to escape because of how much you love me!" 



Joel leaves, and OF COURSE locks the doors.

The lock had a password, so the only way you could escape is if you guessed the password. 

Lizzie tried many combinations such as his birthday, Lizzie's birthday.. and so on..

Lizzie even tried to break a window, but his windows were unbreakable.

"I'm never going to escape!" Lizzie cried

"Um, yeah you will!" A voice yelled

"Sounds like someone from outside.."

(you can hear through the doors)

"It's me, Lizzie! Oli!"

"Omg! Oli!"




Oli comes to rescue you! Oli is so sweet!.. In the story, of course AND IN REAL LIFE.


Thanks for reading! 

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