Chapter 1

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I definitely think that Meryl Streep and Cher would make an adorable couple. If nobody likes it then don't read it but I have wanting to write this for a while. Hope those who ship them like me love the story. Don't forget to comment and vote!!!

The two women had been engrossed in each other for the last three hours, almost entirely naked. One was enjoying the pleasure the other on top of her was giving. She was hypnotized, then she looked at the clock that almost stroked midnight.

"I have to go" she sprinted up from the bed letting the other women fall on the other side

"I hate it when you do that" the women sighed

"It's almost midnight Cher" the other said frustrated

"Your husband knows where you are Cinderella" Cher sarcastically annoyed

"My kids don't" Meryl responded

"Come on Meryl, they don't live with you anymore"

"They are going home tomorrow to spent the day before I have to go to London. Can't show up the next day with them not knowing where I was" Meryl said while getting dressed "By the way, you have to be there before me remember"

"I know, my flight leave tomorrow night" Cher said "How long are you planning to keep this up?? It's been 35 years and I'm getting tired of hiding"

"You know why we hide, no one besides Don knows about us and it would be chaos if it gets out. At least he has been thoughtful enough to stay married to me to help us cover this" Meryl said trying not to get upset

"This?? What exactly is this to you??" Cher got up to stand in front of Meryl "We have been together since we met and because of the world we had to stay hidden at first but what is keeping us a secret now??"

"That's not what I meant, are we really going to have this conversation again?? It would be difficult for our kids" Meryl said

"That's bullshit!!! We're in the 21th century for God's sake. What you are is scared which I understand but it's time to show the world that we love each other" Cher insisted

"If you love me, you wouldn't be insisting" Meryl said quietly

"And if you love me, you wouldn't be scared" Cher immediately regretted what she just said when the expression on Meryl's face went pale. "Meryl I…"

Before Cher could say anything, Meryl ran through the bedroom door slamming the front one entrance not caring about anything. What just happened?? They had never had an argument like this one. Cher got back to bed crying herself to sleep. Meryl went home in tears the entire journey, when she got there she rushed to the guest room breaking down. 20 minutes later, Don opened the door seeing her sobbing with her back to him. He sat next to Meryl and she got in his arms.

"What happened??" Don asked

"We had a fight, same as always but this time much worse. Cher wants us to come out but… I'm too scared" she sobbed

"Why are you scared?? Maybe it is time, the world is different now. Look, when you confessed to me that you fell in love with Cher I got mad at first but seeing how difficult things were back then and how you two have struggled. Plus, I love you and wanted to see you happy even if it wasn't with me" Don said

"Your an amazing man" Meryl said "But what if everything goes wrong??"

"It won't, believe in yourself's, in your love" he assured her

"We said some things, I don't know if she meant it or not but it hurt nonetheless" she said. Right there Don pick up his phone trying to calm Meryl down. "What are you doing?" She asked but Don didn't answer

"Hello? It's me" Don said, Meryl looking at him confused "They had a fight, bad, can you check on Cher tomorrow?? If Meryl came crying I'm sure Cher is in the same state" he waited for response "Thanks"

"Who were you talking to?" Meryl asked

"I'm not the only one who knows about you two, someone has to keep on eye on her part"

The next day

"Chaz!! This is a surprise, what are you doing here so early?? Come in" Georganne asked when she opened the front door of the house. She was staying with her sister before Cher had to go to London.

"Morning to you too" they laugh "I came to visit since I know mom's leaving tonight" he loed "how is she?"

"Well I'm actually a little worried, she hasn't come out of her room all morning. Doesn't want to talk to me either" Georganne said

"Yeah I figured" Chaz said "This has to end" Georganne looked at him confused

"What are you talking about?" She asked but Chaz didn't say a word and just walked to Cher's room with her following

He knocked "leave me alone stupid" she shouted on the other side.

"Mom it's Chaz, please open up" he said "Mom I know what happened last night. You need to talk about it" this surprised Cher

On the other side "You know what's going on?" Georganne whispered. Chaz nodded, right there Cher unlocked the door and they went in finding her in bed with her head buried in a pillow. When Chaz came close to her, she lifted her head to look at him.

"How long have you known?" She asked quietly

"Long enough" he smiled so did she "what happened?" He asked

Cher broke down in tears in her son's arms, Georganne grew with concern, she had never seen her sister like this since Sonny died "what's going on?" She asked

Cher looked up to Chaz knowing her sisters presence but talked "I said some things I didn't mean, she hates me"

"She doesn't hate you, she is just hurt and scared" Chaz said

"I know, I keep telling her that everything will be fine but she doesn't believe me. I hate this!!" Cher cover her face with the pillow and screamed into it

"Can someone please tell me what the hell are you talking about?" Georganne asked

"Mom, you know how much I struggled when I came out. Luckily I had my family to help me through it and the woman I love" Chaz said "Meryl has the same thing, Don, her children… and you. She just needs a reminder of that"

Georganne finally caught up with the conversation "wait, Meryl?? As in Meryl Streep?? You two are a couple??" Cher nodded "Why didn't you tell me??"

"I'm depressed because I hurt the love my life who now hates me and you are asking questions??" Cher exclaimed

"Mom calm down, we've been over this" Chaz said

"If only you could turn back time huh?" Georganne joked

Cher's eyes lighted up "That it!!! I don't normally do this but I know she won't want to talk to me"

"Sis I was joking" Georganne said

"The most brilliant joke you ever made" Cher replied

"Mom what are you going to do?" Chaz asked

"Seriously, have you payed attention to the lyrics of that song? I don't normally do this but I know she won't want to talk to me" with that she jumped out of bed to prepare everything for London.

Want to know what happens?? Keep reading 😉

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