August 8, 2014

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Today was a good day. A lovely day. My first official day in San Diego was almost perfect, ruined by some people but thankfully I didn't want to focus on that.

So today we decided to visit the San Diego zoo for the kids and just walk around, let me tell you something's. If someone says the word zoo to me, I will slit their throats. It was so boring, it was nice to see the kids happy but seriously this zoo had nothing to it. And ontop of that I couldn't enjoy myself because someone had decided to become a big asshole and butt in to everything that doesn't concern them.

Can we just take some time, and talk about how unnecessary it is to tell people what they should do. It is so stupid to tell someone how to run their lives and even stupider to tell them how to dress. If you pressurise someone too much, they will have to eventually explode. And when they do, you can never know how much damage you've done until it's over, and that may take a long time. So how about you just leave them alone to figure it out on their own. It's a little like a scab, if you pick at it, it will leave a nasty scar, but if you leave it alone, it will eventually heal on it's own.

So after we finished from the zoo, we headed back to the hotel for some lunch, the kids fell asleep so we just waited half an hour and went to lunch outside without the kids. we had Mexican street food, which tasted really good. Like I ordered a fish taco and it tasted divine, seriously this was my first time ever to taste a proper taco and it tasted fab. After lunch, my uncle's wife, my mom, and myself, hauled our asses to the nail salon and they got their nails done. I wanted to get extensions so I sat this one out. We walked around so much and on the way back we caught one of those little street strollers and took a ride. The driver was really hot and asked us to go clubbing for the night at a place called the basement. It was obvious he was flirting, but I still paid him with a smile because he was good looking and he also kinda looked like frankie grande but with darker hair.

Then we went to the roof to roast some marshmallows and eat some smores. While we were there my uncles wife met some fellow Iranians, and she just hit it off with them, but when their kids came we found out that they were Jewish. Favorite part of my day. Their boys were even wearing kipas. It was so cute and adorable. I'm just so fascinated by them. And that's how I spent my Friday night.

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