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Draven had been sitting on the chair of his desk, fist clenched.

His brain had once again betrayed him by replaying Kyla's face, how her eyes flickered in fear when danger lurks near her, how her eyes widen whenever she was in fear, her lips turned down and trembles...

He slammed the table in utter frustration.

What if she already had a boyfriend? What if she is... married??!

His face contorted in anger at that thought. Who fucking dares!

He inhaled deeply, before he could break the desk before him.

Fuck everything.

He had tried, to restrain himself for the nth time this week to not up and grab Kyla back into his mansion. It's not like he can't, anyways.

He don't even exactly know what is stopping him!

Even said, he knew, the deepest part of his heart knew, that Draven would make her life so much more miserable, so he had been restraining himself.

He can't help it. He craved to see that big doe eyes again, and wanting to hear her voice strained, begging him, with the beautiful pleading voice.

His mood drastically improved at the thought of seeing it again, and possibly hearing it.

He grabbed the phone on his desk, dialling in some numbers, before pressing it against his ears.

"Get Kyla here, immediately. Oh and make her feel fear, and tie her up. But don't you fucking dare hurt her or touch her in any other way, or you will be punished."

"Yes Sir! But, Which Kyla, Sir?"

"Kyla Fionne."

"Yes Sir!"

"In two hours time, I want to see her in my room."

"Yes Sir!"

Everything was significantly easier, due to the fact Kyla was and orphan, which means no family attachments.

His eyes sparkled at the thought of seeing Kyla shivering in fear, with the most delicious horrified expression, and maybe, the voice that pleads, begs....

Two hours have never been so long.


A few knocks on the door after exactly two hours got Draven overexcited.

He cleared his throat, before speaking.

"Come in."

A men walked in. "Lord Draven, Kyla Fionne is in your room."

"You may leave."

The men left soon after, after bidding his goodbye.

Draven stood up, before striding towards his room.

Walking through the corridors and hallways, he finally reached his room.

He opened it, and stepped in. His smile twisted cruelly into a smirk.

On his bed, lies Kyla, in her pink oversized pullover and shorts, with her mouth covered in cloth, and her hands tied with rope. Her hair was slightly messy.

But that's not all.

Kyla's eyes had been wide, in fear, as her muffled voice had been laced with panic. Her being was physically shaking and Draven had tried not to enjoy this view too much. Her eyes had glistened in tears, that threatened to flow.

Draven stepped forward, bending down a little, before removing the clothe from her mouth.

"P-please.. let m-me go..."

Oh, how Draven gloated, almost too victoriously when hearing that melodical voice that has a tinge of panic.. fear...

Draven licked his lips, as his eyes glinted mischievously.

"Begging now?" Draven's lips has had a prominent smirk, as he stared down the being that was tied up, struggling, with eyes that looked up pleadingly, with eyes that glisten with tears... but nothing can beat the whimper that came out of her mouth.

Draven almost had a heart attack when he heard that whimper.

How the fuck can that be so... cute?!

Draven was almost horrified at his own thinking. But of course, the greater part of him enjoyed every second of it.

Oh, how great. I'll just keep her here...

"W-what.. have I d-done..?"

Oh. My. God.

That voice... Draven had fallen in love with that voice. So much panic. So much fear. It almost scares him how much he loved it.

He shouldn't be like this, to someone he loves. But no.

Draven lips turned cruelly.

"Oh.. Nothing." His voice was stern, but with a nonchalant tone. His smirk had never left his face, as he gazed at Kyla's every move.

"T-then.. wh-why?"

That was the last fucking straw. He had to stop hearing her voice. It would hunt him down to his grave. It's too fucking much to handle.

He leaned forward, and grabbed her chin, forcing her to look at him.

His lips formed a sadistic smile, before crashing it to her's.

Kyla was shocked at first, but realised the situation, and trashed around, trying to break free from the ropes.

Draven had slipped his tongue into her mouth, devouring her in the most sensual way, completely ignoring her struggle.

Draven drew back in a momentary shock, before his lips curved sinfully, almost appreciatively.

"Did you bite me?"

Kyla looked at him in absolute horror. She had done it in a frantic desperation to get him to stop whatever he was doing, and had regretted her actions immediately after.

"I-I'm s-so s-sorry!" Kyla sputtered out, her voice laced with a large tinge of desperation, hoping to survive after her stunt.

Draven gazed at her for a a short moment, before stepping forward again.

He moved his face directly in front of her's, with a smirk so sadistical, and saying the phrase that got Kyla's eyes widen impossibly.

"This is just the beginning, Princess."

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