Rvb S7 E16 "Retention Deficit"

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Valhalla/Red Base
To Donut, Wade, Simmons, and Lopez are keeping watch at Red Base entrance.

Simmons: I'm out.

Wade: ...Yeah.

Donut: Me too!

Simmons: Well, that's it. I guess we're done, then.

Donut: Yeah. Guys, I have to say, I didn't think I would go out like this.

Simmons: Yeah, whatever, that's nice.

Donut: You're not curious how I thought I would go out?

Simmons: No. No, not in the least.

Donut: Are curious how I would go out, Wade?

Wade: Knowing you I rather not ask.

Donut: Well, then how do you think you would've gone out like?

Wade: I'd say... two shotguns, fire everywhere and non-stop hordes of aliens coming at me.

Simmons: That's... pretty intense.

Wade: Yep, I can just picture it now.

Donut: How about you, Simmons? Did you think you'd go out like this?

Simmons: Underequipped and surrounded by people I hate? Yeah, that's pretty much how I pictured it since I got assigned into this unit. You see, I'm a realist.

Lopez: >I always thought I would be taken out by poor maintenance.<

Wade: (Sighs) We really need to think of something guys.

Donut: Can we escape?

Simmons: I don't see how. He's faster than us and stronger than us. Pretty sure, Wade got first hand experience of that.

Wade: I could've beaten him! He just... caught me off guard is all!

Simmons: Sure Wade. But, seriously how our we getting out of here?

Lopez: (Glares at Simmons) >We could of gotten out of here, if somebody didn't blew up all our vehicles.<

Donut: Good idea, Lopez!

Wade: You understood what he said?

Donut: Yeah! High school Spanish, remember? He said the Meta must have gotten here someway.

Lopez: >I did?<

Donut: We just need to find his vehicle, and steal it!

Wade: That's a good idea, Lopez!

Lopez: >It is? No it isn't.<

Simmons: Okay, let's think. If you were a crazed lunatic, where would you hide a vehicle?

Lopez: >Maybe he cloaked it. That's what I would do.<

Donut: A garage is too obvious, Lopez. We need to think of something crazier.

Lopez: >Stop translating for me!<

Donut: Crazier!

Lopez: >That wasn't even a suggestion!<

Simmons: Well, clearly Lopez is just having an off-day, so let's ignore him.

Lopez: >Fuck you guys. If Leo where here, he'd be able to translate me PROPERLY!<

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