Rvb S7 E3 "Visiting Hours"

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To Sarge running towards the Blue Base, followed by Leo, Grif and Simmons.

Sarge: Come on, men! Lopez said Donut went this way!

Grif: Are you sure that's what he said? I don't think pendejo was Spanish for "that way."

Leo: He said something completely different but, I think it's best if Sarge just thinks what he thought he said.

Grif: What did he say?

Leo: Let's just say it involved a pipe wrench and a head.

Blue Base
To Caboose inside the Blue Base, speaking to Donut.

Caboose: Muffin Man!

Donut: Caboose...! I have a message for Church! Wh... where is he?

Caboose: Hey, are you okay?

Donut: Just a little weak. Where's Church?

Caboose: Church? Oh, um. He's not here right now.

Donut: Where is he?

Caboose: Uh, he's um, he... that's kind of, uh, um... (Quickly) it turns out he's really a computer program based on some guy who ran the Freelancer project and he went with Agent Washington, he's a Freelancer who destroyed all the AIs that were left.

Donut: ...

Caboose: Well, almost all.

Donut: ... How long was I asleep?

Caboose: Not that long.

Donut: (almost out of breath) Listen... I don't know how long... I can stay awake. I need to give someone, on Blue Team, a message. ... I promised.

Caboose: I know people on the Blue Team. People on the inside. You can give it to me.

Donut: Tuck—

Caboose: Tuck! You want me to tuck? What do you want me to tuck? Wait, my mother told me to never tuck anything of anyone else's.

Donut: (Faintly) Tucker...

Caboose: Tucker?

Donut: He needs... help. Find him... (Slouches over) It's in... the sand... (Collapses)

Caboose: It's in this and... this and what? (Crouches) Donut, this and what!? What is "this?" What, what, your pocket? Is Tucker in your pocket? ... I remember him being a lot bigger. Tucker! Are you in there!?

Wade comes through the back of the base and towards Caboose.

Wade: Hey Caboose, how's the work with Epsilon... (Sees Donut) Umm, why is Donut on the ground?

Caboose: Ooo, he was just telling me that Tucker was in his pocket! When did he get so, small!

Zeta: (Appears) I don't think it's possible for someone to shrink Caboose. Also, I'm picking up readings of four individuals outside.

Sarge: (From outside) Hey! Anybody here? Blues? Where are ya?

Caboose: (To Donut) Tucker! Is that you? Why did you shrink? And why are you talking like a pirate?

Wade: Umm, that's not Tucker Caboose.

Sarge: Hello??

Wade: We can hear you, Sarge!

Red vs Blue Season 7: Male OcWhere stories live. Discover now