Rvb S7 E11 "Dumb Cop, Bad Cop"

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Sarge, Leo and Caboose are by C.T.'s jeep. Grif is by the wrecked jeeps and other junk, trying to radio Simmons at Valhalla.

Grif: Simmons, come on, Simmons, are you there or what? (No answer, only static) Okay I give up. Something's wrong with the radio now, too. Hey, Leo go check their jeep!

Grif walks back to the group.

Leo: On it. (Walks towards the jeep and starts searching it.)

Sarge: What the hell is wrong with this jeep anyway? It doesn't have a turret.

Caboose: Maybe it's just a car?

Sarge: What does that mean?

Caboose: You know, like a car. A regular car.

Sarge: What kind of car doesn't have a massive cannon on it?

Caboose: All kinds of cars. Most kinds of cars.

Sarge: That's ridiculous. That would be like saying there's some kind of thing you can wear on your head that's not armor plated, and doesn't offer a 5X optical zoom.

Grif: Sarge, you've been in the military a really long time have you.

Sarge: Yep. It's been a good run.

Leo: Damnit, no radio here! But, it looks like someone yanked it out. Why would they even pull the radio out of their own jeep?

Caboose: Let me take a look at it, Leo.

Leo: What are planning on doing, Caboose?

Caboose: Maybe I can fix it.

Leo: Caboose, how are you going to fix something that isn't even the- You know what go for it, Caboose. (Walks over to Grif and Sarge) Guys, something is really wrong here. I mean, why would they deliberately pull the radio out of their own jeep!

Grif: Yeah, I can't even get a signal on long range?

Sarge: Something does seem out of place, but maybe we're overreacting. Maybe they're just using the parts from this radio to fix the others.

Grif: And we just happen to only find all the ones that are broken? That seems unlikely.

Sarge: Hmm, maybe they have one enormous radio somewhere that requires a ton of parts, like one the size of a house.

Grif: ... Once again, unlikely. Wait a second... (Grif turns to the Elephant) What about that thing? The big freighter? It looks like a mobile base. Maybe it has a radio.

Leo: You might be on to something, Grif.

While the reds are speaking, Caboose is by the jeep... speaking to someone.

Caboose: (Whispers) Sheila, is that you? Are you there? Um... Delta? (Quieter) Tex?

Sarge: Hey, what are you up to over there?

Caboose: Nothing. (Drops the Epsilon unit) I'm up to nothing.

Sarge: What is that? What are you doing?

In the distance, C.T walking towards them.

Grif: Uh-oh, here comes-

Leo: Caboose, stop messing with their jeep now!

Caboose: I'm not doing anything! Just ignore me!

Leo: If you're not doing anything Caboose, then what would we be ignoring?

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