Rvb S7 E15 "Watch the Flank"

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Valhalla/Red Base
Inside of Red Base. Lopez is speaking Spanish while Simmons and Wade are barricading the entrances with crates.

Lopez: >Get more boxes and put them there.<

Wade: Keep your eyes on your motion tracker. This guy can turn invisible.

Lopez: >Is that where he went?<

Currently outside of Red Base, the Meta's cloaking device starts to malfunctioning. He snarls in annoyance. Back inside Red base with Simmons listening closely.

Simmons: Whoa! Did you hear that?

Lopez: >I have something on my motion tracker.<

Simmons: (Frightened) Yeah, it was loud.

Lopez: >No, you idiot! Over there!<

Wade: Hey Simmons, I'm picking something on my motion tracker! I think he's coming from there! (Points at the entrance in front of them.)

Lopez: >I just said that!<

Wade, Lopez and Simmons ready their weapons for the Meta on the entrance in front of them, looking at each other and reloading at the same time. But, instead of the Meta... Donut comes around the corner.

Donut: Hey guys. 'Sup?

Simmons: Donut?

Lopez: >Didn't you say this guy could change color?<

Donut: I just finished cleaning up Blue Base. What's going on over here?

Lopez: >I think we should shoot him just to be safe.<

Wade: Donut, that guy attacked me! We were literally having a beat down! Why didn't you help me?

Donut: You guys seemed like you knew each other. I thought you were just catching up.

Wade: He throw me against a wall!

Donut: Yeah, so, I thought that was an inside joke between the two of you.

Wade: What!? What type of joke would that be?

Donut: Well, how do I know? I've been gone a long time, Wade.

Wade: ....I will burn you.

Donut: In fact, it was clear that I didn't know the guy, so shame on you for not introducing us. And quite frankly, I found the whole thing a bit rude!

Wade: ....

Donut: Rude.

Lopez: >Seriously, we could just bury him out back. We wouldn't even have to tell anybody.<

Inside the temple, where Tucker, Leo, Grif and Sarge are looking at Epsilon as a monitor, beside Caboose.

Tucker: Church? Your telling me that thing is Church.

Caboose: Well, not exactly. See, um, technically, uh, this thing is, uh, just a memory of Church. Um, his name is Epsilon.

Tucker: Epsa-whatsawhat?

Epsilon: Me, dipshit!

Caboose: Uh, yeah, see, he's a resident memory of the guy that Church was based on, so he's kind of like, remembering himself. Yeah, Simmons can explain, yeah, much better than I can, probably.

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