Rvb S7 E7 "Bon Voyage"

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Valhalla/Red Base
The reds and blues, are all standing outside the Red Base. With the warthog near by packed with bags and a mongoose with Leo's stuff.

Sarge: Get these water cans cleaned up while we're gone. How much water do you need to drink, Donut?

Donut: I was in a desert! Don't judge me.

Leo: I think it'll be best if we bring some water with us.

Sarge: Nonsense. It'll just slow us down.

Grif: Slow us down more than dehydration? Or death... by dehydration?

Sarge: I don't know, smartass. Let's say we try! I'll kill you, and then I'll dry you out! Who wants Grif-Jerky?

Caboose: Ah, no thanks, I already had donuts for breakfast.

Wade: ...Wait, what?

Sarge: All right, let's get going. Everybody packed?

Caboose: Yep.

Leo: Where's your stuff, Caboose?

Caboose: Oh, I only carry a washcloth and six toothbrushes.

Leo: I'm assuming that makes sense to you?

Caboose: Yeah, it does.

Leo: We'll just go ahead and leave that one alone.

Grif: What did you pack for this, Leo?

Leo: Just some spare ammo for my gun and some water bottles. I don't care if Sarge, says they'll slow us down but, I'm not dying of dehydration.

Grif: ...Care, to give me one?

Leo: (Smirks) Depends on your behaviour on this trip.

Sarge: Grif! Why'd you pack so much?

Grif: Me? I only did one duffle.

Sarge: Well, what are all these cases?

Donut: Those are mine!

Sarge: Donut, you're going with us?

Donut: No, but I wasn't gonna let you guys have all the packing fun to yourselves! That's the best part about going on vacation. I mean, beside airport security's full-cavity search—

Grif: Time to go! (Heads towards the jeep)

Sarge: Lopez, I want you to take good care of Simmons and Donut while we're gone. But, don't worry about taken care of Wade, tho.

Lopez: >Me?<

Sarge: Feed them every day.

Zeta: Their not pets, you know!

Lopez: >Do they eat Unleaded? Or Super Unleaded?<

Leo: (Sighs) Just try not to kill them, Lopez.

Lopez: >That's going to be harder then you think.<

Sarge: And don't forget to let them out in the yard every now and then.

Donut: I love yard-time—

Simmons: Goodbye!

Sarge: If we don't make it back from the mission, bury me and Leo, far away from Grif as possible. I don't want to get any corpse cooties.

Grif: Why do you assume I'll be dead?

Leo: Grif, it's Sarge.

Grif: ...Never mind.

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