Rvb S7 E4 "Catching Up"

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UNSC Ops Center
To the Counselor on the screen, debriefing Donut.

Counselor: Private Donut, we want to debrief you now that your tour at Blood Gulch is over.

Donut: Great! Wait... over?

Counselor: I'm just going to ask you some... standard questions to rate your experience, and I will be filling out a form based on your responses. Do you understand?

Donut: Yes, sir.

Counselor: All right, then let's begin. During your employment, you were assigned to the Red Team. Is that correct?

Donut: That's right! You can tell by my lightish-red armor.

Counselor: I'm a bit confused. By "lightish-red"... do you mean "pink"?

Donut: (Annoyed) No. I mean "lightish-red".

Awkward silence.

Counselor: Let's come back to this during the free-form period.

Donut: Okie-dokie!

Counselor: Now, as to your experience in Blood Gulch, would you say it was...

Words list on the screen as the Counselor says them.

Counselor: Satisfactory, somewhat satisfactory, or, unsatisfactory?

Donut: I would say... satisfactory.

Counselor: All right. Now I want you to look at this picture.

A picture of the destroyed desert land in the corner of the screen as it enlarges.

Donut: Oh hey, I know where that is.

Counselor: Which of the following best describes this picture? Would you say it is, A: the new location where your team was assigned; B: the source of a mysterious energy reader; or, C—

Donut: That's just where we landed.

Counselor: ...Where you landed. Can you elaborate?

Donut: Yeah. We were diffusing a bomb by this guy "Omega," but then the bomb went off, and it was just this huge explosion that it totally threw us into the future, and we landed there in that place.

Counselor: I'm not sure I understand... The future?

Donut: Sarge said that since we were surrounded by ice when the bomb went off, and then it was all sand, the Ice Age must've ended, and that would've taken a really long time. So, it must've pushed us into the future.

Counselor: I... don't have a check box for that. So I'm just going to write down "other..."

Donut: Yeah, "other" works. I like other!

Counselor: Well, I suppose there's no reason to ask the rest of our questions. Thank you for a very... enlightening interview.

Valhalla/Blue Base
Back to Blue Base, where Donut, now standing up, is speaking to Caboose and Wade with Zeta on his shoulder.

Donut: So then, after that, they transferred me to that new base. I guess we left before we were supposed to do what they wanted us to.

Wade: That was one crazy story, Donut.

Zeta: Agreed.

Donut: (Points at Zeta) Wait, who's that?

Wade: That's Zeta. I found her a almost a week ago, I believe.

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