Oneshot 10: Welcome Home

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Y/N's P.O.V:

It was about 6:45 PM and I was walking down the street back to my house from my job. I had my earbuds in listening to some music and was just minding my own business.

I took a sharp left and started heading through a little park that I use as a shortcut instead of following the main road. It's very peaceful at night. I should definitely just relax out here one night after work.

I pulled my hood father over my head since the wind was creating a cold breeze that swept through the area. Just as I was a foot out of the park something moved from behind me. I froze. I took out my earbuds and slowly turned around searching the area for any movement. I suppose it could just be a small animal or a bird.

I tried to put reassuring thoughts into my head about it being a rabbit or something because the last thing I need right now is some creepy drugged person following me around at night.

I turn to the nearest bench and sat down closing my eyes. I just needed a second to regain myself again after that event just scared me a bit. The park is empty. Or looks empty...

The gentle sound of the wind was suddenly interrupted by a small whimper. My eyes shot open, there is someone else here. I slowly got up and approached the muffled sobs. Whoever was crying was behind a worn out brick wall that way placed to help children stay in a designated area. I carefully leaned over the short wall to look for a figure of some sort.

"H-Hello?" I stumbled hoping to get an answer but, only the wind responded.

I held my breath and jumped over the little wall onto the other side. Up against the wall was empty so I started searching for a corner. It took me a minute to realize there was a slumped figure against the wall corner.

I walked over to them and crouched down in front of their shaking figure. They looked about my age, but I couldn't really tell because their face was covered.

"I'm not going to hurt you," I whispered hoping to get a reaction or movement from the body.

To my surprise, the figure lifted their head to reveal a very familiar face.

"C/N?" I gasped and held my hands out to her.

She only looked at me with confused eyes. The tear streaks down her cheeks shone in the moonlight and her face had sunken. My heart dropped. Why was she out here?

I pulled down my hood and her eyes lit up for a second before falling back into their dull state. She didn't say anything, but only took my hands and stood up. I was so lost in her eyes that I barely noticed she was only in a t-shirt and pants as it was currently 40 degrees outside.

I quickly threw off my hoodie and handed it to her. She only looked at it silently.

"Please, C/N. You need it more than I do." I pleaded and squeezed her other hand gently.

She nodded and put it on taking her other hand and placing it back in mine once again. The cold air created goosebumps across my skin as I stood with her. I took my left hand and brought it up to her face. It was colder than I thought it was. I started to grow worried that she would get sick from the weather.

"We're gonna go back to my house, is that okay with you?" I asked while wiping the remaining tears from her eyes.

A noise rang out from the back of her throat that I'm not quite sure what she was trying to say. But I took it as a yes and held her hand leading her to my house.

The walk back was silent, as I didn't want to upset her or anything yet. I almost took the wrong turns since my brain was so focused on the fact that she was holding my hand and gently playing with my fingers.

We reached the stone steps of my house and I fished the key out of my pocket. I yanked the door open and flicked on the lights helping C/N inside. It was pretty clean and looked the same as I did when I left for work. Though, neither of my parents were here. They probably had another fight. If I was correct I wouldn't see either of them for the next week or so, but I guess I'm used to it. Our family has fallen apart.

I rushed up to my room and tore open my closet to try to find something warm and comfortable she could wear. I pulled out my favorite hoodie and rushed back downstairs. C/N was sitting on the couch staring at the floor lost in her thoughts.

I sat down next to her and put my hand on her shoulder. She looked up at me and smiled a bit. It was now my turn to look down to the floor as I felt the heat rush up into my face.

"I know it isn't a lot but this is the warmest thing I have. The one you have one isn't enough for how cold this house gets." I said handing her my favorite hoodie.

She smiled at me once again and took off the one I gave her for the walk back. She handed the other hoodie to me while I put it down at the end of the couch.

"I know we're not exactly the best of friends and all, but is it okay if I asked what happened?" I asked.

She nodded and sighed "Yeah, I suppose so, I trust you. Well, everything was fine this morning when I got up and went to school until my walk back home I stopped to see what was my house had been evicted because my parents couldn't keep up with the bills. My parents were nowhere around so I started to head towards town hopefully finding somewhere familiar. After an hour of wandering I grew tired and collapsed at the park where you found me." she explained with twiddling her thumbs.

My heart cracked even more than it already was. I didn't know what to say. I never knew that her family was struggling with finance and all that. I only scooted closer to her and opened my arms.

She looked at me for a second before jumping into my arms and bursting into tears again. I leaned back on the couch and held her silently. Her sobs were muffled by my shirt that was becoming damp due to her tears.

"I don't want to be an orphan" C/N croaked her hands clinging onto my shirt.

"You won't," I promised.

She removed her head from my torso and looked up at me slowly. "What do you mean?" She asked her voice no more than a whisper.

I pushed the stray strands of hair away from her wet face and tucked them back behind her ears. "You'll stay here".

"I can't not with your parents and everything-"

I cut her off quickly "My parents are never home. They fight and leave, my family is broken".

She nodded and rested her head back on my chest. I smiled and reached for the remote on the coffee table. I switched the TV on and hit a random channel, but I wasn't paying attention to the show. The only thing I could keep my eyes on was C/N who was cuddled up against my side. I draped my left arm around her torso.

"Welcome home, C/N."

Hey guys! I'm back(finally)! This was requested by @BisexualAsHecc so I hope they enjoy it. I just want to thank everyone who stuck with me through that period of time. I hope you all enjoy!

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