Oneshot 5: See You Never

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Y/N's P.O.V:

Today was the day that I was going to confess to C/N. It's quite a lot and I'm not exactly sure how it's going to go. I just hope for the best reaction I can get. 

I started to mess with my hands as I approached C/N's locker, she hasn't seen me yet which is good I guess. I tapped her on the shoulder and she turned around to face me. The minute her eyes met mine I lost all of my confidence. 

"H-Hey, C-C/N... uh, can we talk somewhere p-privately?" I stumbled out. She looked at me with an uncertain gazed but nodded slowly anyway and followed me outside into the little courtyard our school had. I stared at the ground almost tripping over several objects sprawled around while walking to the courtyard. 

I sighed and lifted my head to look her right in the eyes. C/N was already staring at me with concerned eyes and put her hands on my shoulders. "Are you alright, Y/N?" she asked carefully as she thought she would upset me.

"No, I just wanna tell you something." I breathed out and she took my shaky hands in her own waiting for me to continue. "I really l-like you, C/N..." I mumbled. The next thing I knew her hands were out of mine and she turned and walked away without saying one word.

My heart shattered into pieces as I watched her leave and go join her friends again. I dropped my head and put my hood in refusing to let the tears fall from my eyes right in front of her. I looked up once only to see her friends staring at me with disgusted faces and they just pulled her away to talk somewhere else. 

*2 years later*

It's been about two years since I've confessed to C/N but to be honest I haven't gotten over her. I still her see her in the hallways or at tech crew but it's not the same. It's like I'm a disease and the only one who can see it is C/N.

I was cleaning the gear after a rehearsal for the play and I slowly wiped down the equipment tech booth and shut everything off. I sighed and my mind wondered off to C/N. I should never have told her, I'm afraid to think about how many people know now, hell probably the whole school does. I grabbed the old broom in the corner only to see about three of C/N's friends on the stage staring down at me with their arms crossed. 

I sighed and trudged over to them. "You guys can't be here after rehearsal hours, I advise you to please lea-". I didn't even get to finish my sentence before a fist came flying to my face. I fell to the floor and my nose started to bleed as the laughed in my face shouting insults at me. There wasn't a lot I could do so I just laid on the stage with a bloodied face listening to the shouts of C/N's friends. It was about 5 minutes until they started to kick my sides and then ran off leaving me groaning as I held my nose.

I finished cleaning up the place about 15 minutes later and I threw the broom back in the closet. I yanked the hood of my hoodie over my head and walked out watching my feet. I could hear C/N's friends laughing at me from the end of the hallway but I paid no attention. I was so caught up in my thoughts I bumped right into someone and my back hit the ground. 

Fortunately, due to my luck, I rammed right into C/N and she was looking down at me with an unreadable face. I got up and looked her in the eyes and her expression softened when she saw my nose. She brought her hand to my face and touched my nose causing me to flinch.

"Sorry," she whispered and looked over my head to see her friends laughing at us.

"Yeah, well it's not your apology I need right now." I snarled and motioned to her friends who start throwing insults at me. 

"Look! C/N I think we broke her nose!" One giggled and leaned on the wall for support.

"We beat up the lesbo for you! You can finish her now, we won't need to see that though." The other cheered and they all skipped down the hallway.

I scoffed and took her hands off of my face and start to walk away. Of course, she just let me walk away and just stared at me in silence while I pushed the school doors open and trudged out. I headed down the street to my house and I let the tears fall from my face and onto the ground.

My house was empty and I bolted for my room. I slammed the door shut I scared the nearby birds on the trees away. I walked over to my desk and grabbed my earbuds plugging them into my phone. I pressed shuffle on my playlist and sat there losing myself in my music. My eyelids got heavier and heavier over time as I started to doze off. The last lines I remember hearing are from the song "Homecoming" by Green Day.

Nobody likes you

Everyone left you

They're all out without you, havin' fun

A/N: This was a request from @SiannIsHere and I'm so very sorry I couldn't get this up earlier. School has been stressing lately and the amount of work is insane. I didn't know if you wanted a happy ending or not but I hope you enjoy. 

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