Oneshot 9: Numb

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Things have changed since last year. Ever since the virus broke out the world was rotting. People were being chewed to pieces only to come back to life in a broken, distorted body. Ever since the virus started to spread no one could could go outside of the protection of our broken city.

Y/N's P.O.V:

I laid in the old and worn out mattress with C/N, my girlfriend of over 3 years know. She was curled up into my chest sleeping soundly. 

My arms were wrapped securely around her sleeping figure for her comfort, and even my own. I rest my head on top of her while my mind wonders to when life was normal. When it was just the two of us enjoying life to its fullest. I miss it all. All the late night conversations, the movie nights where we would fall asleep on one another, the small and secluded restaurants we'd go to have a date, and the feeling of safety.

Snapping out of my thoughts I raised my head to check that the windows and the door was locked in our little safe house. I scanned the room and declared it as safe before lowering my head to rest it on top of C/N's. I huddled closer to her and started to let my eyes close.

As I was letting my body shut down the door bolts were busted off of the door causing the door to slam to the floor. My head shot up and I squinted to adjust my eyes to the lighting of the room. C/N started to stir as I attempted to grab my pistol on the floor next to me.

"Y-Y/N?" C/N yawned and opened her eyes to see me flipping the safety off of the pistol. Her eyes widened as she gripped my torso squeezing me out of fear.

A groan was heard as a zombie walked through the door. It screamed and lunged at me knocking the pistol out of my hand. I struggled under it's grasp trying to kick it off but it wouldn't budge. The zombie's head slowly inched closer and closer to my shoulder while I fended off from it's limbs.

I watched in fear as it's mouth started to open lunge at me again. I closed my eyes and braced for impact. The zombie fell limp onto my body as I shoved it off. I looked over to see a knife lodged into the zombies neck. My eyes traveled up to C/N standing over me with the body's blood on her hands.

I couldn't move. I was traumatized. I sputtered for air as gentle arms wrapped around me and lifted me onto their lap. It was C/N. I leaned into her touch as she stroked my hair with one hand while having her other hand under my chin forcing me to look at her. There were tears in her eyes as she whispered sweet nothing in to my ear.

"You're okay. I-I got you, Y/N. I won't let you go, I love you." C/N mumbled while placing her lips upon my forehead.  I only looked up at her to meet her gaze. "We have to move." She whispered.

I only nodded and pushed myself up and out of her lap to crawl over to my pistol and put it in it's holster. I stood up and walked back over to the side of our bed and put on my backpack. I breathed out and slung my Mosin-Nagant over my shoulder waiting for C/N to grab her stuff. 

C/N got off the floor to grab her shotgun and her backpack. She held out her hand for me to take, which I gladly did and we started to head off to reach our destination, the city. The city was supposed to be a military protected quarantine zone where people could live in some sort of peace behind the walls.

I held my flashlight in one hand while gripping C/N's in my other while we ventured into the woods. It was still very late out, but since the city is so far away we needed to start to walk now.

"Hey, Y/N?" C/N asked while leaping over a fallen tree to catch up with me. 

"Yeah?" I answered still keeping my attention scanning the dark trees for any movement. She comes up from behind me to entwine our hands again. 

"Do you think that we'll be able to finally settle down when we reach the city?" she questioned. "Y'know like we were meant to do in the first place before this all started." her voice trailed off as I cut her off.

"I hope so, C/N. I really do." I pause and turn my head to look at her. "That's all I ever wanted to do since the virus started to spread." I smiled and yanked her closer to me. Our faces just inches apart as I looked into her eyes.

She blushed and smiled "Yeah".  She brought her hands up to cup my cheeks and leaned in even closer. "Me too." she mumbled.

I smirked and put my hands on her hips, squeezing them. She squealed in surprise but was silent once I smashed my lips onto hers. Her left hand tangled in my hair and tugged it gently while her other hand was still on my cheek.

We pulled away for air and C/N sighed in content with her right hand still on my cheek. I smiled and kissed her nose before moving out of her grasp. Her hand fell off of my face only to slip perfectly into mine.  We haven't shared a kiss like that in a while. It's usually been short pecks because we have to watch our surroundings, but this time I just kinda let it slip.

*Time skip*

It was dawn when we stood at the foot of the hill the city rested on. C/N yawned and rested her head on my shoulder slumping to the ground. She was so over-tired I just decided to carry her the rest of the way. I bent down and scooped her into my arms carrying her bridal style up the hill. She buried her head into my chest causing my stressed face to break out a smile.

I finally reached the top of the hill and just feet away from the city. I became to grow excited so I started to run towards the entrance gate. I reached the gate booth when the positioned guard stood up.

"HALT!" the guard shouted. I instantly skidded to a stop.

"Sir, we've been traveling for weeks and we just want to be safe, please may we enter the city? Neither of us are infected I swear." I pleaded while bending down to kiss the top of a snoring C/N's head.

The soldier raised his hand to tap his helmet and started to speak. "Sir, there are two survivors at entrance Gate A. Permission to open up the gate?" he asked and waited for a response. He stood still "But, Sir-" he stopped talking and dropped his hand placing it on his rifle aiming at my forehead.

"Please! No! At least accept her in, she's weak and I can't live without knowing she's safe." I cried and tightened my grip on her sleeping body. The soldier didn't speak and pulled the trigger. I dove out of the way rolling down the hill with C/N still in my arms. Her eyes opened and she screamed.

"Hold on!" I yelled and put my feet out to stop us from rolling down the hill. C/N collapsed on top of me sobbing.

"W-We're okay." I breathed out trying to sit up. C/N had her head on my shoulder while hugging me tightly. I squeezed her back with the same amount of force until I felt my shirt start to dampen. Soon enough it was soaking. I gently grabbed C/N by the shoulders and pushed her away from my body to inspect the spot where my shirt was damp. It was blood. I wasn't shot. My eyes widened as tears fell freely from them. I looked up at C/N to see that the guard had managed to shoot her in the stomach. I quickly pressed down on her wound to stop the bleeding but she only cried out in pain causing me to sob.

"C/N please, stay with me!" I sobbed feeling her grip on my become weaker and weaker.

"Y-Y/N.." she rasped and started to cough violently. "M-My one and only..." she started.

"NO!" I screamed kicking the ground with my feet while moving my forehead to touch hers.

"Y-Y/N please.. This isn't your fault. I-I love y-you.." She whispered and pushed her lips onto mine. "D-Don't ever forget that." she murmured against my lips and laid her head back on the ground as her eyes slowly closed. I screamed as her body turned cold. I didn't care if zombies heard me. She's gone. My C/N is gone and it's all my fault. Tears fell rapidly out of my eyes while I cradled her limp body. I couldn't feel anything. I lost of sense of feel. I felt empty inside. I felt... numb.

A/N: SCHOOL IS ALMOST OVER! I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN FOREVER AND I MISSED YOU GUYS! Thank you all for being so patient with me and the book. I tried to make this one extra long for you guys. This oneshot was based on the game The Last of Us. It's an amazing game and I'm so excited for the new one to come out. Also, I'm thinking about starting an The Last of Us: Ellie x Reader Oneshot/Imagine book, so please tell me what you guys think of that idea! -Dem0

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