Oneshot 8: Broken

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Y/N's P.O.V:

I effortlessly sliced through my wrists with the shining blade. It's really something I can't stop, but I don't want to. The feeling of blood running down my hands is the only thing I have left these days.

It's been about two years ever since my plummet into darkness happened. I came out as a lesbian at my school and it all went downward from there. I started getting bullied, harassed, abused at home by my parents and sometimes ever beaten behind my school in the dark corners.

Nobody really knows what I'm going through. I'm just a poor, defenseless disease that everybody picks on. I've gotten used to it though, just like I've gotten used to the scars on my skin. 

*Time skip to de next day*

Another day in hell can't hurt, can it? At least that what everyone says. 

I walked in through the school doors. They weren't really school doors in my eyes, they were more like a prison cell door. 

I trudged through the hallway getting various side glances and whispers. It's all normal though, coming out in a place like here is a nightmare, and I should never have done it. 

I reached my locker which had the word "DYKE" spray-painted across it in a bright white color. I sighed and dragged all of my binders out of the lockers. About half of my binders are either dented or completely snapped in half due to the number of times people have tried to punch me in the face, but good thing I have good reflexes...

*Time skip to lunch*

I sat at a table in the far corner of the cafeteria where I was barely seen. I rested my hand on my chin and slumped over in the corner gazing around the room. I carefully pulled my hoodie sleeves down more so it would cover my wrists better. My head shot up when I saw C/N walk through the cafeteria doors laughing with her friends. Ah yes, C/N L/N, the most beautiful girl in this entire school. I've had a crush on her for about a year now but she's just everybody else who hasn't looked in my way. 

I sighed and decided to watch C/N talk with her friends for the rest of the period. I was so caught up in C/N that I never realized R/N (Rival's name - Idk if I ever stated that lol) who crept behind me and pulled me up by the hood of my favorite hoodie. 

"R/N let me go!" I kicked at R/N struggling to get out of their grasp. R/N only responded with slamming their elbow directly to my forehead. I remained silent allowing R/N to drag me around and up onto the table.

R/N held me by my hood and practically dangled me over the edge of the table. "Could I get everyone's attention please!" R/N shouted. Everybody fell silent directing their attention to my helpless figure.

"I caught Y/N here staring at Ms. C/N C/N." they snickered. The entire room laughed causing me to shrink into my hoodie even farther. "In fact, she has something she would love to share with you all," he said and looked down at me. "Say you like C/N L/N or else I'll else you'll never get the end of it," he growled.

I shook my head and R/N's elbow came flying down to my forehead again causing me to bleed. Blood dripped down my forehead and to the side of my face and as tears clouded my vision. 

I looked at everyone only to meet C/N's eyes looking up at me with an unreadable expression displayed on her face. A tear fell down my face as I shut my eyes and screamed: "I LIKE C/N L/N!".

I was soon slipped out of my hoodie and fell to the floor and I ran to the exit of the building pushing open the front doors. I ran all the way home crying my eyes out. The first place my legs took me was the kitchen. 

I yanked the drawer open and pulled out the sharpest knife I could find. This was it, I can't take any more of this. I'm abused at home, at school, and I can't even think about C/N after I saw after I saw the expression on her face.

I trudged upstairs and into the bathroom as I sat on the edge of the tub looking down at the knife in my scarred hands. I closed my eyes and sat there for awhile letting the darkness take over me.

C/N's P.O.V: 

My heart stopped as I watched Y/N run out of the building broken into pieces. I jumped up from my chair and sprinted after her leaving the laughing crowd behind. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me and prayed to god she is at her house. 

I was out of breath when I pushed past Y/N's front door and I almost broke down seeing the small trail of blood that leads to the bathroom. I pushed myself forward and stood outside the bathroom door with my shaking hand right over the doorknob. 

I let the tears freely fall from my eyes as I slowly opened the bathroom door to see Y/N sitting on the bathtub's edge with her eyes closed and a knife in her hands. "NO!" I screamed and surged towards her flinging the knife into the hall.

Y/N screamed and pushed against me. "LET ME GO!" she cried trying to break free from my grasp. She looked up at me and my heart cracked seeing her E/C eyes that were once so full of life so dull and lifeless.

Y/N fell to the floor and broke down in front of me. I lunged forward and wrapped my arms around her pulling her to my chest to cradle her in my arms. I was still crying myself as I gently rocked Y/N side to side.

She wasn't making any noise, but she was still crying. My shirt was becoming damp because of her tears. I'm really sure why she was trying to kill herself. That was until I looked down slightly at her wrists. 

Y/N's wrist was covered in scars there wasn't a spot where there was normal skin visible. The scars ranged from about an inch to wrapping around her whole wrist. Some were overlapped and some were fresh from what looks like this morning. 

"Don't ever do that again, Y/N" I whispered while my voice cracked and more tears came down my face. 

"...I-I'm sorry... C/N.." she rasped raising her head up from my chest and looking up at me with a broken expression. "I'm so broken..." she choked out.

"No, Y/N. You aren't, you're the most beautiful, unique, special, and loving person ever." I sniffled running my fingers through her silky H/C hair moving hair out of her face. 

She was so vulnerable and I leaned down slightly and captured her lips with mine. She responded kissing back quite aggressively, but I didn't mind, she needs me right now and I need her.

Y/N rested her scarred hands on my face while I lifted her up and onto my lap. I pulled back and used my thumb to wipe the remaining tears on her face. 

"I l-love you C/N." she squeaked as her cheeks turned scarlet red. I just smiled down at her and responded "I love you too, Y/N. And I won't let anyone ever hurt you again." I promised and kissed her forehead causing her to smile. 

Her smile was so beautiful. I haven't seen it in over 2 years and my whole world just opened up in front of me. I scooted over against the wall and pulled Y/N impossibly closer to my body. She curled into me burying her face in my chest. We sat there for a while until she spoke up "If anyone is gonna accompany me through my hell hole of a life, It's gonna be you".

"And I won't let anyone else accompany you through it other than me, Y/N L/N," I whispered. 

She was indeed broken, but that was fixable and hopefully, only the scars will be left after that.

A/N: OKAY THIS WAS SO SAD IDK WHY I DID THIS. I'm also extremely sorry for taking a giant ass break my life has been pretty shit these past weeks. I'm back now and hopefully here to stay to please send any requests if you have any. -Dem0

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