Chapter 9 Signal

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This chapter is gonna be a little different. I'm not going to do the 'previously on Bionic Stolen-' thing on this chapter because it's not relevant to the scenes in this one.

If you were not aware yet, Bree, Adam and Leo refer to Davenport and Tasha as mom and dad.

I made an actual cover for this story, so I hope you guys like it! Also, thanks to everyone for giving me 972 views and 73 votes! That means the world to me! Almost 1k views! WHOOHOO!

Dedication: This chapter is dedicated to @MrsChaseDavenport for her idea. Thank you!

Disclaimer: I do not own the Lab Rats Characters or the parts of the plot that are from the book Girl Stolen by April Henry.


Tasha's P.O.V.

I am a horrible mother. How could I leave my only daughter in the unlocked car, alone, with no defense?

It's been a whole day, and I still can't believe that my daughter has been kidnapped.


"Bree! BREE! WHERE ARE YOU!" I called when I exited the grocery store. Donald's car wasn't in the lot, and Bree is nowhere to be seen.

She's probably just out taking the car for a spin.

I took my phone out of my purse and called Adam, my oldest son. He answered on the third ring.


"Hey, Adam! It's mom. Can you come pick me up from the Walmart that's across from the Mission Creek park?"

I would've given him the actual address, but knowing Adam, he'd do better looking for a place than a street name.

"Alright, I will be there in about five minutes."

"Thanks Adam. Bye." I hung up and wandered over to a bench to wait for Adam. Thankfully, the storm passed while I was shopping. Although, that probably wouldn't matter considering I am sitting on a soaking wet bench. Great.

A few minutes later, Adam pulled his car up to the curb and waited. On my way around the car, I dropped the groceries off in the trunk so it wouldn't be crowded in the front.

The whole ride home was silent. We didn't have much to say to each other. Adam spends all of his time with Donald, training. The only time I see him is during meals and when he comes home from school with Bree and Leo. My two sons are the most distant from me in the family. I guess I just don't have a strong bond with them. Literally all they do is eat, sleep, train, go to school and go on missions. Bree and I have lots of quality time together since she doesn't train or go on missions, and I see Donald whenever he isn't in the lab.

When we pulled up to the drive way of our mansion, (I married well) I hurried to get the groceries out of the car and inside so they wouldn't spoil. When I opened the front door, I expected Bree to be sitting on the couch reading a magazine or watching TV. She wasn't anywhere in the main room. I started to panic.

"Donald!" I called throughout the mansion.

"Yes, Tasha?" Donald asked me. He came down the hallway that led to the elevator doors. It looked like he was engrossed in the gadget he was delicately holding between his palms.

"Have you seen Bree? She left Walmart with the car, and I assumed she came home, but she's not here," I started to panic, but my husband calmed me down.

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