Chapter 10: Day 2 Part 2

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When I arrived back at the seating area I was welcomed by lots of cheering and high fives from my guild mates.

"YOU TOTALLY DESTROYED THAT GUY... I could've done it faster, but let's not focus on that right now." Natsu said.

"Excuse me?! YOU WANNA FIGHT ME?" I ask him, my eyebrow twitching.

"SURE THING PIPSQU-" Natsu began, but I felt dizzy so I wasn't focusing on what he was saying. What's going on? I can't talk or move, my entire face feels numb...

Natsu's POV

"SURE THING PIPSQUEAK I'LL FIGHT YOU ANY DAY!!" I yell at my sister, lighting my fists on fire. Hang on a minute, why does she look so weird?

She suddenly went really pale and her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she collapsed towards the ground.

"(Y/N)!!" I cried, jumping forward to catch her before she hit the ground. She felt cold in my arms.

"Natsu, she needs to go to the infirmary, quickly." Erza instructed with a concerned voice. I nodded at her and began running in the direction of the infirmary with (Y/N) in my arms.

I looked down at her face as I ran. She looked like she was in pain. Damnit. I hate seeing her like this...

I finally reached the infirmary and I busted through the door with (Y/N) still in my arms.

"My sister needs healing NOW!" I yelled, worried. I looked around the room and saw three people looking at me with alarmed expressions. The nurse, and the stupid twin dragon slayers from sabertooth.

"What're you idiots doing here?" I asked the sabertooth boys in a monotone voice. I noticed that Sting was looking at (Y/N) with an extremely worried expression. He ran over to me and grabbed her hand.

"What happened to her?!" Sting asks me, with slight tears forming in his eyes. He held one of her small hands in both of his hands, staring down at her face.

"Paws off, saberscum. I don't know what's wrong with her, she just collapsed after her match finished!" I replied, carrying her past Sting and laying her down on a bed.

The nurse walked over to us and inspected (Y/N) with a worried look.

"It's nothing too serious." The nurse began, "Seeing as she's a demigod, using her demigod form takes a massive amount of magic power. I'm surprised she even managed to walk out of the main fighting area without passing out. She needs an hour or two connected to a lacrima of magic power and she will be all juiced up." The nurse finished, smiling at us.

"Oh, thank god..." Sting muttered under his breath.

"Thank you, it means a lot. She's very important to me and my guild." I say to the nurse as she connects (Y/N) to a lacrima.

"That's okay, I love to help people. Now I'd suggest staying quiet and letting her rest. If she wakes up too early she will be loopy from her lack of magic power. It's best to give her a full two hours to rest and sleep so she will be back at full strength when she wakes up." The nurse explains. Sting and I nod, with serious expressions on our faces.

A/N - Rogue left lol

The nurse then left the room and it was just me, Sting and (Y/N).

"So, tell me. Why do you care so much about my sister?" I ask Sting.

"She's just... She needs to be protected. She's fragile." Sting replies, his eyes glued to her.

"I've got that covered already as her older brother. I protect her from monsters, poisonous food, and boys who want to take advantage of her." I say, glaring at him.

"I guess it's good that I don't fit under any of those categories then." Sting replies, suddenly glaring back.

"I will not let you hurt my sister." I say, growling.

"I assure you that she's perfectly safe with me. After all, if she didn't feel safe she wouldn't agree to going on a date with me tonight." Sting says smugly.

"A... what?" I ask, my eyebrow twitching.

"A date. You heard me. Romance, night time, me and her alone. Who knows what could happen." Sting replies, evilly.

"Don't you dare try and be all mushy with her! She hasn't had her first kiss yet and I want her first kiss to be with someone special." I reply, crossing my arms.

"Tch. Don't worry, I'm not gonna make her do anything she doesn't want to." Sting replied, staring down at her again, lovingly.

"I should head back to the games. Don't do anything weird with her while I'm gone." I say, giving him a hard look before leaving the infirmary.

Sting's POV

She's so precious... I stare down at her sleeping form. I must have been here for at least an hour now, but I just can't leave her alone in here. I need to protect her while she rests. I reach my arm out and grab her hand, intertwining her fingers with mine. As time passes I then feel myself leaning back in my chair, dozing off to sleep.

(Y/N)'s POV

Ugh... what's going on? My head kinda hurts... This is just like that hangover all over again. My entire body feels cold except for my left hand, which feels as if I'm holding something hot.

Slowly I open my eyes and I'm greeted by bright light. I groan slightly under my breath and look to my side. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON AND WHY IS STING HERE? He's asleep on the arm chair next to my bed! I then look down to my left hand and see that it's holding Stings.

I sit up slowly in confusion and look around. Why am I in the infirmary? My sudden movement seems to wake up Sting, who yawns before opening his eyes. He looks around the room and notices me sitting awake in front of him.

"(Y/N)! You're awake!" He says excitedly, before standing up and pulling me into a warm hug. I slowly hug back. What is going on?

"Sting, can I ask what's going on?" I ask, pushing him away slowly.

"You've been asleep for the past... 3 hours? You passed out after your match with Bacchus and Natsu brought you here." He explains, staring into my eyes.

"And you came to visit me?" I ask, smiling and blushing. He really can be sweet sometimes.

"Ahh.. I've been here for the whole time. I thought I should watch over you and make sure you were alright." He says awkwardly, blushing.

"Wow.. It's almost as if you have a crush on me or something." I say, smugly. He then becomes a flustered mess.

"W-WHAT THAT'S CRAzY NO WAY I JUST CARE ABOUT YOU AS A FRIEND THAT'S ALL JEEZ!" He says, blushing redder than Erza's hair.

"Of course! It would just be weird if we dated!" I say, teasing him. This'll surely get a reaction out of him.

"W-weird?? I don't think it would be weird if we dated... NOT THAT IM SAYING I WANT TO DATE YOU OR ANYTHING... but... do you really think it would be weird?" He says, going through about 6 emotions in one sentence. I giggle at him.

"Maybe we can talk more about this tonight, on our date." I say, blushing slightly. He blushes too. I then turn and walk towards the door.

"I better get back to the others, thank you for looking after me Sting!" I say, smiling at him.

"Anytime, (Y/N)." He says, staring fondly at me.

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