Chapter 9: Day 2

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(Y/N)'s POV

Ughhhh... What is with this headache? Ever since I woke up this morning I've had a pounding headache and I can't remember anything about last night...

"Oi short stack, you're finally awake!" Gajeel said, standing in the doorway to my bedroom.

"GAJEEL I SWEAR IF YOU CALL ME SHORT STACK ONE MORE TIME IM GONNA- ooowwwwww" I stopped mid sentence and held my hands on my head. The headache was getting worse and worse.

"Feeling a bit hungover?" Gajeel asked, smirking.

"Oh no... I got super drunk didn't I. Please don't tell me I did something stupid..." I say, sweatdropping.

"Well after you beat Cana in the drinking contest you climbed onto the bar and tried to take your shirt off. After you fell off the bar you managed to slip away and run around Crocus like a mad woman until Sting found you and carried you back here." Gajeel said, laughing.

My eyes went wide and my entire face went red. Sting... saw me like that.... he probably hates me now!! Ugh he must think I'm crazy! I buried my face in my hands.

"Come on you guys, the games start soon!" Mirajane said, hurrying everyone around the hotel room. I quickly got up and got changed and we left for the arena.


A little while after we all arrived the first event was announced; Chariot. It sounded like the type of game that SOMEONE WITHOUT MOTION SICKNESS should play. However, due to the fact that my idiotic brother entered, Gajeel decided he wanted to enter despite my warnings.

The game started and Sting, Natsu and Gajeel were all down there making hilarious fools out of themselves. I couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of Sting with motion sickness. I guess it's payback for him seeing me drunk last night.

However, when Sting questioned why Natsu continued, Natsu gave a heartwarming speech about the guild and the people that he left behind for 7 years. It made me and all of the rest of Fairy Tail cry, and we all did the Fairy Tail salute.

I'm so proud of you, big brother.

The game ended and Sting came in last place, which is something I could use against him later hehehehehe.

The first fight of the day is announced and it turns out to be me vs Bacchus! I'm really excited so I jump into the arena while Fairy Tail cheers me on. Bacchus enters the arena and walks over to me before the match starts with a suggestive look on his face.

"Hello princess~" He says, grabbing my chin with one hand.

"Hey... stop it!" I say nervously. I've always been bad in these situations. I then hear yelling coming from Fairy Tail's seating area and turn to see Natsu, enraged with Gray and Erza holding him back.

"DONT TOUCH MY LITTLE SISTER LIKE THAT YOU PERV!! I'LL RIP YOU TO SHREDS!" Natsu yells with flame coming out of his mouth.

"Hey, how about we make a bet..." Bacchus says, snaking one of his arms around my waist. I'm too scared to push him away so I just stand there, shaking. I look to the Sabertooth seating area and see Sting completely enraged. He's clutching the railing so hard that it's crumbling.

"W-what kind of bet..." I say, still shaking.

"If I win, you have to spend the night with me tonight." He says, smirking evilly.

"WHAT?!" Sting and Natsu both say at the same time.

"Oh, really? That's your bet?" I ask, pushing him away suddenly. He looks slightly surprised as I grin at him innocently.

Sting x Reader (Natsu's Sister)Where stories live. Discover now