Chapter 18

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Sorry this chapter is so short, I wanted to just upload what I had and I felt like it was a chapter by itself. Another chapter should be up by Monday or Tuesday. There's a special little point of view at the end of the chapter. Hope you enjoy. Comment and vote. xoxo



Allison's POV

Not being able to move I just stood there watching the flames devour my house as the fire fighters ran around yelling and spraying at my house trying to get the flames under control. The road was full of people, everyone trying to get a glimpse of my house burning down. I just stood there staring at the front door waiting on any signs of life to magically appear out of the fire. My crying and screaming had stopped and I just stood there feeling empty watching everything I cared about go up in flames. I don't know how long I stood there for until there was movement beside me that caught my eye. I looked over to see Alpha Tom standing beside me with his big muscly arms crossed over his chest and shook his head.

"What a shame, your dad was a good man." He said looking down at me with a frown across his face. I just stood there staring up at him with a blank face. Then I went back to staring at my house. He wrapped a big arm around me hugging me to his side. That was when I lost it again and I started crying.

"It is going to be okay." He said rubbing my back. "The pack are already out trying to find whoever did this. I have them running around the neighborhood looking for any signs of rogues."

"What you think that someone intentionally did this?" I said pointing at my house feeling my anger rise.

"Honey have you been listening to any thing the fire fighters have been saying?" He said. When I shook my head no he went on. "They found a gas jug in your backyard and gasoline was all over the back of your house."

"Oh my gosh, Blane and I seen someone in the next door neighbor's backyard staring at me." I  said covering my mouth.

"Sweety, where's Blane now?" He asked looking around at the few people still standing around. Not being able to answer I just slowly raised my hand and pointed at the house. I watched as his eyes followed my finger in the direction of my house.

"He, he went." I paused trying to control my breathing. "He went to wake up my dad." I sobbed out through my crying.

"Oh shit." He mumbled putting his arms around me." Have you called Linda and Mark?"

"Oh god, I didn't even think about them." I sobbed.

"It's okay I'll call." He said pulling away from me. 

Man I can't believe I didn't think about them. What the hell was I thinking his parents are going to be devastated. I fell to the ground wrapping the blanket I had around me and cried even harder. I just sat there crying thinking about my dad and the last time I saw him sitting in the kitchen trying to talk to me about boys. I couldn't help but to smile even through all the tears. At least I got to tell him I loved him before this happened. Oh god, I'm never going to see Blane again I thought trying not to scream. I've just lost the only person I was suppose to live the rest of my life with. I guess I didn't stop my scream because the next thing I knew Linda was beside me trying to calm me down threw her own tears. That was the last thing I remember before everything went black.

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