Birthday Blues - Kise Ryouta x Reader

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Note - This is the sequel to Scent that was written a while ago for Kise's birthday.

(E/n/n) means embarrassing nickname.


It's been a few weeks since that incident. Yes, it's the incident that you would like to speak of never again, and not even think about. Ever since that kiss, Kise had actually increased his stalkerish tendencies, much to your chagrin. Once he even followed you to your house, and god, he met your mother. You all know what that means, right?

- Flashback -

"Goddammit, Kise, stop bothering me and get lost!" You growled as he accompanied the unwilling you to your house.

"Nope! I want another kiss!" He exclaimed, making a kissy face and leaning in, only for his face to be grabbed rather tightly by your hand. "Ahahaha, (Name)-cchi, that sorta hurts. (Name)-cchi?" His voice was muffled and you tightened your grasp. "O-ow!" 

He was so annoying. Ugh, if you give a Kise a kiss, he'll always want more. ...wait, wasn't that like some sort of children's story you read years ago? Anyways, you were standing outside your porch with your hand practically blocking all his airways when your house door opened to reveal your mother. Oh god, no.

"(E/n/n)-chan? Is that you? With a boy?!"

Letting go of Kise's head and then seeing his face, you swore using quite vulgar vocabulary inside your mind. He appeared to be rather amused and was grinning - he'd never let this go. "D-don't call me that stupid nickname in front of my fri-... idiotic stalker."

"Wow, (E/n/n)-chan! I didn't think you'd finally get a boyfriend! He's so handsome! Tell me boy, how did someone hot like you get with my cute little (E/n/n)-chan? She's such a shy sweetie!"


Then of course, she had to welcome him in for dinner. Fuck.

- End Flashback -

Because of that unfortunate meeting, Kise charmed your mother and also begrudgingly your father, and now he was allowed to visit you. And thus, there you were, internally crying as Kise poked you while you two were in your room. You were forced to tutor him again, and in Japanese history now. You groaned as he also began sniffing your hair again.

"Stop poking me, it's annoying. Also, stop smelling me, it's creepy. You're acting like a dog."

"Aww, but (E/n/n)-cchi!"

"S-shut up, you bastard! Never mention that name again! And stop playing around like 
that already!"

"Oh, you want me to stop playing around like this? Sure. So how about I play with you in a different way?" He said huskily, leaning in towards your lips again.

"Ahhhhh! Stop that too dumbass!" You screamed and slapped him.

"Awww, (Name)-cchi, why won't you let me kiss you again! Please, just once!" You 
never did let him kiss you a second time since that day after school.

"NO! And I don't like you."

Out of no where he said seriously, "You should be honest with yourself." Argh, it was that damn motto again.

"I am honest with myself, you idiot!" You yelled. 

"Hey, (Name)-cchi, you know that my birthday's coming up right?" He suddenly asked.

"Oi, what's with the random change of subject?"

"It's on June 18th."

"Whatever." You rolled your eyes and looked away.

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