Sneak Peak

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"Manik you always asked me right what changed your mother to Neyonika?" he asked Manik taking Manik's whole attention

"It was me" Shrikant said and Manik looked at him in disbelief as Nandini tighten her grip on his arm telling him that she is there him

"Myra" Shrikant said making Manik stumble a bit and Neyonika hide her face in Abhi's chest

"I was to convince that Myra wasn't my daughter" he said dropping a bomb on Manik "I fought with Neyonika everyday, called her names" he said feeling ashamed

"YOU KILLED HER" Manik yelled launching at his father as Druv and Cabir hold him back, Nandini was not holding him instead she was crying very badly

"YOU KILLED MY SISTER" Manik yelled again making it difficult for Cabir and Druv to handel him

A Sneek Peek from "Complicated Malhotras", Please Check this New Story and give your feedbacks

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