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Yuta stayed the night at the hospital. He managed to convince Jaehyun to go home and rest properly.

The Japanese slept uncomfortably in the visitors chair by Taeyong's side.

The older slept the whole night, only waking when Yuta got up to use the bathroom.

"How are you feeling?" Yuta asks as he takes his seat once more.

"I'm fine, you stayed?" Taeyong seems to be shocked by this.

"Of course I did, it's my duty as your best friend, and I have some news to relieved to you" The younger smiles sadly as he leans back in his seat.

Taeyong raises a brow in confusion at this. He isn't sure if he will appreciate this news or not.

"You're going to America the day after tomorrow" Yuta exclaims softly.

"What?" The heart monitor begins to beat quickly. This concerns Yuta who gestures for his friend to take deep breaths before he continues to talk.

"The doctor said you may die wishing a few months or years if you stay here. You need to get treated in America quickly to survive. Jaehyun booked two flights to America for the day after tomorrow."

"But I don't want to go so soon, you need me for longer. I can't go so soon" Taeyong begins to argue, his heart rate increasing quickly.

"Calm down Taeyong. Getting stressed isn't going to help anyone. You're going and that's final." Yuta gently pats his friends shoulder.

The older doesn't look happy about this decision at all. He doesn't want to go. In two months sure, but not in two days.

"I've organised for us to go out tomorrow, just you and I. It'll be like a farewell trip" Yuta speaks with a soft tone.

Taeyong grabs Yuta's hand and squeezes it reassuringly.
"I'll visit every second month" he promises his closest friend.

"How will you afford that?" The Japanese boy is doubtful about this idea.

"I'll figure it out, I'm not going to be away from you for four years without seeing you" Taeyong says more to assure himself.

Yuta just shakes his head, "You don't have to promise me anything. Every week will suffice."

The pair both chuckle softly at the joke.

"You can leave when you're ready, we just have to get a nurse to unclip you."

"I want to leave sooner rather then later. More time to spend with you" Taeyong smiles gently.

Yuta gets up and walks into the hallway to call for a nurse. One is quick to come in and help to remove all the clips from the patient.

It only takes 10 minutes to get Taeyong out of the hospital. Yuta is glad to see Sicheng walking into the entrance as they are leaving.

The Chinese boy walks over to the older and briefly kisses him before turning to Taeyong.

"I brought you guys breakfast" He states, holding up a paper bag.

Taeyong eagerly snatched the bag and looks at its contents. He grins like a child as he pulls out an egg and bacon roll.

"Yuta, why did you get the better boyfriend?" He exclaims and he takes a big bite from the food, handing he other one to his friend.

"What was that?" Jaehyun queries as he wraps his arm around the older's shoulders.

"I was just saying to the others how I got the better boyfriend" Taeyong tries to save himself.

"You're such a liar" Jaehyun chuckles as he shakes his head.

"I'll take you and Taeyong home. Tae, I'll come back for you at 10am tomorrow. Make sure you're ready" Yuta informs Jaehyun and Taeyong.

They both nod and he takes Sicheng's hand as the Chinese takes them towards the car.

Yuta gets the keys and drives to Jaehyun's house first, then to Taeyong's. After this he heads back to Sicheng's house.

He begins to eat his roll as he gets out of the car. Sicheng doesn't say anything until they get inside.

"Are you okay about all of this?" Sicheng asks his boyfriend who seems to be way to calm about the whole situation.

"I'll be okay, it's better for him if he goes" Yuta remarks quietly.

Sicheng takes the half eaten roll from him and places it on the counter. "Be honest Yuta, if you're hurting, tell me."

Yuta scratches the back of his neck.

"I'm okay, I promise. Ask me again this time tomorrow and the answer will probably be entirely different."

Sicheng frowns as he gives the food back to the older. Yuta takes another bite before turning on his heel to head to Sicheng's room.

The Chinese boy is only a few steps behind him.

Once there, Yuta sits on the end of the bed and finishes off his food while Sicheng sits beside him.

"This will only make you two closer, that's what long distances seem to do to people. You don't realise how much you love someone until they're gone."

"You know I always thought as a kid that I would have the best life. I thought the worst times were behind me. Losing my parents was really hard and I hoped that would be the worst thing that I'd ever have to go through. I was so wrong. I guess as I was only a child, it was just a dream to keep me going." The Japanese explains.

"Your parents would be so proud of you. You're so strong Yuta" Sicheng suddenly compliments.

This means a lot to Yuta who smiles at the comment. He wraps an arm around Sicheng and pulls him into his side, pressing his lips to the side of his head.

"I love you" He mutters gently.

"I love you too" Sicheng replies happily.

A/N - sorry for the short chapter ashdbwhcbwbf. the next one is gonna be sad so look forward to that. i think this story has about 5 or so chapters left.

but i'm starting to work on the jaeyong story called Cure which i'll release after i finish this one. i might give away more info about it next chapter


thanks for reading!!

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