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The results for who made it onto the soccer team will be posted out the front of the hall tomorrow.

Sicheng's appearance at the tryouts really surprised Yuta.

He hardly knows the boy, yet he managed to make him nervous as he aimed for that goal.

Doyoung looked worried as soon as Yuta walked over to him and Taeyong with his water bottle.

He knew that his brother was scared to go home. Their father was not going to be happy that the younger came second.

Yuta was so caught up in the tryouts, he forgot to come up with a plan.

"If you don't get into the team, I'm going to sue" Taeyong remarks, causing the Japanese younger to chuckle.

"I'm sure we won't have to worry about me not being accepted."

"You're so cocky" Doyoung accuses.

"Of course. I'm a soccer professional, I have the rights to be cocky" Yuta smirks.

This causes his little brother to smile at the ground. Yuta feels happy at this.

Not knowing what horrors they will have to face when they get home.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow. Great job today" Taeyong pats Yuta's shoulder with a grin before walking off to where his mother waits in her car.

"What are we going to do?" Doyoung asks as soon as the pair are alone.

Yuta looks around the field and takes a deep breath before responding.

"I'll tell him that I didn't hand in my math homework" He suggests, suddenly remembering how his friend was rushing to complete his homework last minute earlier that day.

"Yuta, you can't do that. He'll hurt you" Doyoung frowns but the older just pushes away his concern.

"I'm your brother. It's my job to protect you and this is the only way."

"Yes but you aren't blood related. You don't have to do this. Let him hit me. Please, I can't live with myself if I let him hit you instead of me."

"Hitting?" Sicheng asks, confused as anything as he walks up to the two.

Doyoung can't help but glare at the Chinese boy who has just interrupted the conversation.

Yuta has the opposite reaction and smiles softly.

"Is someone going to be hurt?" The Chinese queries, not sure as to what he has walked in on.

"No, of course not" Yuta denies immediately. "We were talking about boxing."

A lie.

"Boxing? Are you going to do boxing as well as soccer?" Sicheng looks Yuta in the eye, smiling.

"Nah, soccer is my thing. That's enough for me."

"You did well out there. I was surprised. I didn't realise that you were so good at soccer" the younger praises.

"Thanks. May I ask why you came though?" Yuta turns the questions around as he folds his arms across his chest.

"I saw a poster up in the library for the tryouts. I thought I might meet some more people here" Sicheng explains.

Doyoung gently nudges his brother's arm as he tries to get his attention again.

"We should get home."

Yuta doesn't move his gaze away from Sicheng as he replies to his brother.

"Just wait a moment." He pulls his phone from his pocket and hands it over to the Chinese boy.

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