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Yuta was nervous to meet Sicheng's Aunt. He'd been there one night only, yet he had already kissed her nephew. Besides, he's just purely petrified that she won't like him.

He's meeting part of his boyfriend's family on the first day of their relationship. This is fast.

"She'll love you" Sicheng does his best to assure Yuta as they sit in the car which is parked in the driveway.

The younger grabs the older's hand and squeezes it assuringly.

"Are we telling her about us?" The Japanese boy questions as he moves his gaze to meet the others.

Sicheng briefly looks at the house before making eye contact with Yuta once more.

"Probably, I mean, she'd kill me if we kept it from her while your staying with us."

Yuta leans over the console and pecks his boyfriend's lips. They've been together for not even 24 hours yet the older can't get enough of Sicheng.

He didn't realise he felt this strongly about the Chinese boy.

After a few more moments, the pair get out of the car and walk into the house.

A woman with dark hair greets them in the entryway. She says something to Sicheng in Chinese with a smile on her face as she pulls the boy into her embrace.

"Hello, I'm Yuta" Yuta greets her politely. He goes to shake her hand but she just grins and pulls him into a hug.

"Sicheng's friend, you are handsome" She exclaims, pulling away from him, eyes studying him from head to toe.

Sicheng clears his throat awkwardly as he intertwines his fingers with Yuta's. He speaks in Chinese, Yuta just smiles as he listens to the foreign language.

The Aunt converses with Sicheng like this for a few moments before she turns back to Yuta.

"Welcome to home" She chuckles, clasping her hands together. "I like you, stay for a long time if you'd like."

"I don't want to be any trouble" Yuta denies causing the woman to look confused. He had forgotten that her Korean wasn't the best.

Sicheng translates and she just laughs again.

"My child, the only trouble is Sicheng. He's messy" She roughs up her nephew's hair before walking off into a seperate room.

Yuta lets out a huge sigh of relief as he heads to his room, Sicheng hot on his heels.

Once in his room, he sits on the bed and flashes his healing smile towards Sicheng.

"I think I passed."

The Chinese boy sits beside him, close enough so they are touching yet neither move so they are holding each other.

"I told her we are dating. She seemed okay with that. She told me that she thought you were very handsome and had a nice figure so she approves so far."

"That's great news. I think I'd die if she didn't approve." Yuta speaks in a tone which has a hint of fear.

Just as Sicheng goes to say something, Yuta's phone begins to ring, startling them both.

Yuta gazes at the device and is quick to answer it when he sees Doyoung's contact flashing on the screen.

"Hey" He greets his brother.

"Y-Yuta" Doyoung sobs into the phone.

"What's wrong?" Yuta immediately becomes concerned as he hears his brother crying.

"I'm at the house, mum's bleeding, she's hurt really bad. Dad is really drunk, he hit her with a vase. Yuta, he's going to kill us."

The older's heart sinks as he hears this.

"I'll be there in less then 5, wait for me, hold on for me Doyoung. Don't you dare get hurt." Yuta speaks as though it were an order as he hangs up the phone.

Immediately he stands from the bed and makes his way out of the room. Sicheng follows him without questioning his intentions.

It isn't until they are in the car, on the way to Yuta's home that he mentions something.

"Where are we going?" Sicheng questions him.

"Doyoung is in trouble, we are going to save him" is all Yuta says. The car ride is taken in silence.

Yuta speeds through the traffic, it's amazing how he hasn't been pulled over. He arrives at the house after a mere five minutes.

Just as he said.

He doesn't tell Sicheng to wait on the car or anything before running to the front door. It's already open when he gets to it.

Rushing inside, he instantly sees Doyoung by the top of he staircase with Mrs Kim.

Yuta takes the stairs three at a time as he gets to the two people he cares for more then anything.

"Why did you come here?" He asks his brother in confusion.

"I needed to get something from my room" Doyoung cried softly.

"Look who decided to return home, our dearest boy Yuta" Mr Kim speaks bitterly as he makes his way up the stairs.

Yuta stands once more and gets ready to face his adoptive father. The older man looks at him in anger as his step stumbles slightly.

Sicheng remains by his side, refusing to back away in front of the adult.

"And you brought your friend over, is he staying for dinner?"

"Don't you dare even think about hurting him" Yuta threatens, the bite strong in his tone.

Mr Kim shrugs as he grabs the Japanese boy's collar, punching his jaw.
"Don't talk to me like that."

Sicheng is quick to seperate the two, he goes to hit the man but Mr Kim manages to be quicker this time. His fist collided with the Chinese boy's temple, rendering him unconscious.

Yuta is shocked by this. He stares at Sicheng with a look of pure horror on his face.

"He'll be fine" Mr Kim remarks as he begins to walk over to his adopted son again.

He raises his arm to strike him once more but someone grabs his arm. Yuta looks and screams out when he sees Doyoung before him.

"What are you doing?!"

Doyoung turns to look at his brother, tears streaming down his cheeks, he smiles sadly.

"I'm sick of watching as you protect me. I can't watch as you get hurt anymore." He cries gently.

"I love you."

Yuta's heart shatters as we watches the event occurring before him. It seems to be happening in slow motion yet he can't move. He is frozen where he is.

Mr Kim grabs Doyoung by the collar of his shirt and yells at his son before throwing him. He aims for the banister of the staircase, expecting it to hold.

But it breaks.

Doyoung falls to the ground.

A/N - i'm crying pls send help, could you guys just comment something random that'll make me smile, i really need it right now. i love you guys <3

thanks for reading

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