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"I am terribly sorry, but you are an orphan. Your mother and father were killed in the accident."

The boy stood in silence, too overwhelmed with emotion to respond.

"There is a family in South Korea who are willing to take you in. Your parents planned to move their soon, did they not?" The woman continues to speak but the boy doesn't listen.

He just keeps his head low, the tears brimming up in his eyes.

"We spoke with your grandparents and they told us to send you to the Kim family. You will leave tomorrow."

At only five years old, this young boy had just become an orphan.

That night he slept beneath the same roof as his grandparents. They cried for the whole night but tried to smile in front of him.

He was put to bed at 8 o'clock but he didn't sleep. He heard his grandparents discussing his departure.

They sounded so sad about it but kept assuring themselves it would be the best thing for him.

He left for the airport at 7 am. The same woman who spoke to him at the hospital, came to pick him up.

He cried as they took him away from his family.

Clutching onto the small bear gifted to him by his mother a mere month ago, the boy sobbed as he was buckled into the back seat of the car.

He thought the kind lady would be flying with him, yet she left him to board the plane alone with the flight attendant.

He was told that the flight would be short yet it felt like a lifetime had passed by the time he stepped onto the land of this foreign country.

During the flight he had managed to stop the tears. This was the beginning of how he started to hide his pain.

The flight attendant took him into the airport to where a woman was standing with another boy who looked to be slightly younger then him waited.

"My dear child," The woman spoke his language fluently. "You will be happy with us."

She crouches and wraps her arms around him.

"This is my son, Doyoung. He is a year younger then you but I'm sure you'll get on just fine."

She turns to the dark haired boy and is quick to fix his sweater, covering the black mark which had already been seen by the young boy.

"What's your name?" Doyoung asks hesitantly.

He speaks Korean but is understood as the boy had been learning the language for the past year.

"Nakamoto Yuta."


The music was too loud.

Yuta could hear every word and every beat even though he was outside of the car.

Sighing, he just takes his place in the passenger seat. Glaring at his brother, he turns the volume down.

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