Perverted Pictures

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•Y/N: Your Name
•E/C: Eye Color
•H/L: Hair Length

Author's POV:

Balancing a plate of four, perfectly roasted marshmallows and two glasses of milk in his hands as well as a thick photo album that's tucked under his armpit, Matt heads towards the bedroom with a nervously pounding heart. A small smile graces his lips upon seeing his beloved on the bed, still securely tied down with no option to move. Her limbs ache from the uncomfortable position as she stared up at the ceiling with reddened eyes due to the tears she had shed. She flinches and turns her head after Matt sets the dishes on the bedside table, having not noticed his presence until now. Pulling the album out from under his arm, he has a seat beside the girl and sets the book on his lap as Y/N struggles in the restraints again. Her energy was depleted, but she still tried, though, not with as much vigor as before. With a calming smile, Matt, in a tender manner, rubs her leg and feels her tense up from his touch.

"Easy, Y/N. I just want to show you something." She gulps fearfully as her gaze lowers to the book on his lap, and her face paled. More pictures... She couldn't handle anymore gore. She didn't want to see. When she shakes her head, he sighs before reaching over to undo the restraints on her wrists.

Her eyes widen in surprise, and she quickly acts by ripping her hands from his once they're free, only for them to be snatched again. The rope once again loops around her wrists before being tied to her thighs, forcing them to remain still on her lap, keeping her restrained, but at least now, she could sit up. Y/N huffs and tears up in frustration before her face is grabbed to make her meet her captor's eyes. Her upper lip twitches as she moves out of his grasp, causing the man to frown. "Y/N, please. I want you to know everything I've done." Sighing, Matt reaches over to the plate and pops one of the marshmallows into his mouth. Before continuing, he takes a swig of milk. "I want to explain it all to you, but you have to look, okay?"

"At what?! More pictures of your dead brother," she snaps, glaring daggers at the man, who finds himself looking away.

"No, none of that. This... This stuff is different, I swear." His fair cheeks glow red upon recalling all the lovely photos of his muse hidden inside the confines of the album on his lap. Softly, his fingers caress it as a small smile touches his lips. The sight made her stomach flip.

"W-What kind of stuff? I won't look unless you tell me," she demands in a wavering voice. Matt sighs at her bitter tone, but understands completely why she's so hesitant.

"They're pictures of you. It's all you. Nothing, but you." His tone made a shiver run down her spine as a terrified expression invades her E/C orbs.

'What the hell kind of pictures...' Y/N gulps, and fearfully nods her head, needing to know just what kind of photos were taken of her. Judging off of his reactions, they're something she definitely won't like. Her gaze lowers to the book on his lap, it's cover a simple dark brown color, but it was thick, meaning there likely are tons of pictures inside.

'Just how long had this obsession been going on? Why is he doing all this? Why?' Already, she was on the brink of tears as he opens the album to the first sleeve of pictures. As he said, they are of her, the location being at her favorite restaurant. The angles of which these were taken were beautifully done with the rays of the setting sun making her face glow as she ate her meal. Her features were captured regardless of having her back towards the camera.

'How did I not seen him there?' After glancing to check her reaction, Matt moves on to the next page. They were still in the restaurant, only now, Y/N was gazing out the window to admire the view with a dainty smile painted on her lips. Y/N felt unwell, remembering that she had seen a flash of light in the corner of her eye that day. She didn't think much of it, but now, she realized that was a mistake.

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