Hotel Nights

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•Y/N: Your Name

Your POV:

'Pajamas, check. Phone and charger, check,' I mentally check off the list of everything I will need for the trip I'm taking with Gaven and Matt as I stuff each item into a black, duffel bag that sits on the bed. Today's Friday, and the Muse concert is tomorrow, so Matt's coming to pick me up, so we can go to the hotel. They'll be here any minute, and I want to make sure I don't leave anything important behind. This week had been full of Gaven geeking out over seeing one of his favorite bands performing live and me still feeling unnerved by the notes I received.

Thankfully, I haven't gotten more than two, and they mysteriously disappeared, which I found very strange. I just hope whoever gave them to me lost interest or realized how creepy they were being for giving me that disturbing picture of me sleeping. That assumption was enough to settle my nerves whenever I was around people, including Gaven who I no longer suspect. He doesn't seem like the type of guy to behave that way. I break from my thoughts upon hearing a loud beep from outside and stuck my head out the window to find Matt's truck parked in front of the house. The brunette driver smiles upon seeing me and waves. I do the same back and shut the window before zipping my bag shut.

"Y/N, your friends are here!" Mom shouts from downstairs as I sling the strap over my shoulder.

"I know!" I yell back before hurrying to the front door. I stop to say goodbye to my parents before leaving, though. "I'm gonna get going. Don't miss me too much." Dad lifts his gaze from his phone before saying,

"I don't wanna hear about any funny business, Y/N." His tone made it clear that it was only a joke, yet there still was a serious undertone to it that made me shake my head with a small smile.

"Nothing's gonna happen. Don't worry." I give the man a hug before doing the same with my mom. "Bye. I should be back tomorrow after the concert." They nod and say goodbye back before I go outside to Matt's truck.

"It's about time. I knew girls took too long, but jeez!" Gaven jokingly complains from the passenger seat.

"You're one to talk. You spent a whole hour trying to figure out what drumstick you wanted the band members to sign." Matt laughs, causing Gaven to go red from embarrassment, before gesturing to the backseat. "Hop in." After putting my bag in the bed of the truck, I open the door to the back and sit behind the eldest brother.

"Are you ready for this?!" Gaven shouts rhetorically before turning up the volume on the radio, which blasts one of the songs from his Muse CD. I laugh as his enthusiasm as we take off. The ride to the hotel was filled with my best friend jamming out to all the songs, while Matt does his best to concentrate on the road, even though it was obvious he wanted to join in too. Feeling confident while with my friends, I was bold enough to sing the lyrics I know, starting out quiet until Gaven encouraged me to sing as loud as he did. We get to a parking garage, and Matt finds a spot before stopping the vehicle and lowering the music nearly all the way down before removing the key.

"Awe, come on! It was the middle of the song!" Gaven complains, leaning into his brother's personal bubble. The older male retaliates by shoving the boy's face back to his side of the truck.

"We're here and I'm exhausted. Let's go."

"Fine." Gaven pouts before exiting the vehicle first and grabbing his bag from the seat beside me. I get out next, followed by Matt, and reach to get my own luggage only for the taller male to reach over my shoulder and grab it along with his bag.

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