The First Mark of Winter

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•Y/N: Your Name
•F/A: Favorite Animal

Author's POV:

——————————————————___________________________________Author's POV:___________________________________

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Matt was filled with a new sense of clarity after ridding himself of the remaining pieces of his family in that fire. Any images of his mom, dad and brother were plucked from the albums, including the gruesome evidence of his murderous acts. All that fills those pages now are pictures of Y/N, his beloved muse, just like how she is now the only one occupying his insatiable mind. He was at peace. Less could be said for the poor, captive girl who continues to hold onto the past. As infuriating as it is, knowing she still thinks of Gaven from time to time, Matt said nothing outright about it, though he wished to on a number of accounts.

He didn't want to accidentally set off on her again at the mention of that boy's name. He had scared her enough the last time. He didn't want to keep doing that. He is supposed to show her he can be trustworthy, that he hasn't completely gone off the rails. He didn't want her to think that she was in any kind of danger with him. He is the one looking after her, loving her and tending to every need. She should not be afraid. He didn't want her to be. It hurt, seeing her in such agony. She began holding it in, but he could see it whenever she stared off, the pain of what he had done.

It was frustrating because no matter how many times he had tried to distract her or make her smile, she'd always fall back into that look, but what could be done? He could only wait. He wasn't going to start threatening her to stop thinking about it. That would do him no favors. It was almost enough to... No. He's come too far for ideas like that to be popping up now. There has been a change. He knows it. He's certain that, in time, she will come to grasp that he is all she ever needs and will ever have. She is adjusting.

No escape attempts had been made, even though he's given her more freedom to walk around the house. She was still confined if he was out, of course, and she had to be close by, within his sights, or at least where he could hear her moving around and be able to get to her quickly. She even quit trying to convince him to stop. It wasn't going to happen and that reality seemed to be sinking in. It was hard for her, certainly, but the end result would be worth it when they could live together happily. Eventually, he was able to get himself a job, part-time, of course. He didn't want to be away for too long. He could always ask for more hours later on. It was a bit of a drive, nothing near the cabin, but he didn't want to take the risk.

With the new money he acquired, Matt set a side a fund to be spent solely on her, excluding what would be needed for necessities. He felt it was important to spoil her, butter her up a little and make her more comfortable. He bought her new clothes, along with a secondhand radio and television that he was lucky to have spotted at a garage sale on his way from work one day. It kept them entertained if they weren't playing boardgames, cooking or cleaning. He often liked to watch her play with the cat and even had a good few pictures of it too.

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