04 | Camera Flashes

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•Y/N: Your Name
•H/C: Hair Color

Your POV:

I hum the tune of the song stuck inside my head softly as I open the combination lock protecting the things inside my locker. When I open the metal door, I feel a hand clamp onto my shoulder tightly before hearing a loud shout near my ear.

"Boo!" Instinctively, I jump and yelp in surprise before whirling around to see the culprit. I frown upon meeting the familiar green-hazel eyes of Gaven who laughs like a hysteric hyena. I lightly punch his shoulder as payback while giving a slight glare.

"You jerk. You scared the crap out of me!" He chuckles and rubs his shoulder, where I hit, without the slightest hint of regret in his smile.

"Worth it!" The teen slips his green, camouflage print backpack off his shoulders and unzips the biggest pocket before reaching in. "By the way, I brought your laptop." He pulls the device out of the back and holds it out to me, so I take it from his hands.

"Oh, thank you."

"I still have to go to my locker, so I'll see you in class," he says while zipping his bag and slings one of the straps over his shoulder before waving and running off. I shake my head at the energetic boy before looking down at my computer. Curious, I open the lid and release a light snort upon seeing a yellow post-it-note attached to the screen with a poorly drawn, smiley face on it. I remove the sticky paper to put it on the inside of my locker door before slipping the computer into my bag. I grab everything I'll need for today before closing the door and heading to my first class with pep in my step. I'm happy today, not only because it's Friday, but because I'm going to go to my all time favorite restaurant, Universal Eats, where they have popular food items from all over the world on their menu. I get my paycheck today, and it happens to be a ritual of mine to go there after I get paid.

'I wonder if Gaven and Matt would like to come with?' I enter the classroom and find my best friend already sitting at his seat with a flock of girls around his desk. I take the one beside him, like usual, before giving a light sigh. I hardly get the time to talk to him in the mornings anymore. Ever since he got here, he's gotten increasingly popular with the other students.

Who could blame them, though? He's a great guy! He's funny, outgoing and weird in all the right ways. Sadly, this means a lot of this school's thirsty ass girls try to flirt with him often, and it's just annoying. Doesn't seem to bother him any, though, I do sometimes like to tease him about it, and his face always turns red when I do. Eventually, the girls find their seats as it gets closer to the time class starts, so I take the opportunity to ask Gaven about hanging out after school. I reach my foot over to gently kick his leg to grab his attention. He smiles when he turns towards me.

"What's up?" He asks.

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out after later. I get paid today and am gonna go to Universal Eats. My treat," I offer, and his eyes gleam with excitement.

"I'd love to!" But, then his smile falls and he looks down in disappointment. "Awe, but I can't."

"Why not?" Normally, I wouldn't press on the subject, but he seems genuinely upset that he can't come.

"My dad found out about my grades in English. I got grounded." He groans and presses his head against the desk to sulk. "What a pain!" I laugh at his misfortune and childish attitude.

"I should've guessed that with what Matt said yesterday and the fact that you aren't wearing your headphones," I point out, knowing he wouldn't be caught dead without his headphones, so him not having any on was easy to notice. He turns his head to look at me with a sad smile on his face.

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