Blood Upon the Snow

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•E/C: Eye Color
•Y/N: Your Name
•S/C: Skin Color

Author's POV:

——————————————————___________________________________Author's POV:___________________________________

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    E/C eyes opened to darkness, a little disoriented, as Y/N felt her consciousness wake from whatever dreamland her resting mind had placed her in. Her body shuddered as she winced and blinked for the return of her vision, feeling cold as ice. The fire had long since died down to embers and ash. No longer did it crackle; rather, it placed the room into a discomforting silence as chilled as the air around her. Shiver after shiver, she gained control of her hand and raised the blanket over her nose to warm it, breathing into her palm as she looked ahead to Matt.

He laid still, back spun towards her and breathing steadily. He too was tightly wrapped in the covers but didn't appear as susceptible to the cold as she was. She watched for a moment before looking down at her wrists when her sight adjusted. Just barely, she could make out the bruising as she sat up slowly before rubbing them. It was nice to have a break from the binds for once. They had made sleeping so uncomfortable. Peering back to her sleeping captor, she narrowed her eyes in hate before the look weakly fell away due to drowsiness.

Y/N rubbed at her eyes, wondering if he was truly asleep or just pretending. He hasn't said anything yet, but it could very well be a trap. Damn. How spun around must you be to even have to consider that, but this situation was not one to leap out of blindly. She watched him for just a few seconds longer before getting to her feet. Every instinct told her to run for the front door, but she held back. If this was a trick, she refused to be played and ruin everything she had built up. All that effort would go to waste. She had to think smartly about this. Then, it occurred to her that there was, in fact, a way to test if he was awake or not.

Being quiet, but not too obviously careful, she snuck her way to the bedroom door, spinning the knob slowly and opening it fully before looking to him again. Nothing. Still not enough proof to convince her, though, so she continued out into the hallway. She could feel her heart hammering with nerves but shook them off as she went into the bathroom for a brief visit. She took her time, and after she was through with washing her hands, she went back into the hall, staring into the open bedroom but not going towards it. No movement that she could hear. Although, she couldn't exactly see him from this position either.

Just to assure herself, Y/N ventured into the kitchen next for a clean glass to fill up with water, waiting for him to appear behind her and ask what she was doing, but he never came. Heading back to the bedroom, she paused at his sleeping form, glaring in thought as she sipped her drink before peering over to the window. The snow had stopped, leaving a frigid blanket of white in its wake. If the temperature of the cabin told her anything, it was definitely freezing outside. Her breathing picked up a bit, feeling heavier at the thought of getting out of here. If she waits any longer, she'll be trapped here by the snow. It was now or never.

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