Testing the Waters

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•Y/N: Your Name

Author's POV:

—————————————————__________________________________Author's POV:__________________________________

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Setting a plate of waffles and a cup of juice on the dresser beside the bed, Matt sends a glance towards his shaken victim as she stared up anxiously at him. It was morning now, and though he had fallen right to sleep after his episode last night, she was not so fortunate, having stayed up for the rest of it. He didn't say much of anything when he got up to make breakfast, which led him to this point. Truthfully, he was embarrassed for losing his cool like that, trauma dumping after some creepy ass dream he had. If he had felt more awake when that happened, maybe he wouldn't have freaked her out so much? Now, she was going to question if he really did have any sanity left, which was not to his benefit at all. Rubbing the back of his neck, Matt faces her with an apologetic look on his face.

"I want to apologize for my behavior last night." Drawing out a long sigh, he brings the hand back to his side and crouches down to be eye-level with his beloved. "I was not in a good state of mind, and I know that was a bit much. I... I've just been having wicked dreams these past few nights. This last one set me off." Matt looked to the side, ashamed before staring at her trembling hands. Y/N said nothing about it, just watched to see what his next move would be. Reaching forward towards her bound wrists, she flinched away from him, so he stopped.

"Don't worry, I'm just undoing them," he assures. Pleasantly surprised, Y/N relaxes against the mattress as the man stands up and fiddles with the knots to get them undone before sitting her up. His fingers lingered on the bruised wrists, massaging the markings delicately before putting the plate on her lap. Matt then sits on the edge of the bed to watch her eat in silence for a few minutes, noting how slow she was eating, like the food wanted to make its way back out again.

"It's a nice day out. Would you like me to open a window, so you can have some fresh air?" Pausing her chewing, Y/N glanced up at him with another look of surprise. Why was he being so easy? Maybe he really did feel sorry about scaring her last night? Well, she certainly wouldn't refuse a taste of the outside, even if it was just a breeze. The room felt stuffy after being stuck in it for so long.

She nods slightly, and so, he gets up to open the window, still keeping an eye on her as he did so to ensure no tricks were pulled. No attempt was made at undoing her feet from the silk, nor did she hide any utensils to later stab him with. She made no motion at all, just stared right back at him. A slight chill rushed in on a breeze, whistling past the opening and making her shiver, but Y/N didn't mind. As soon as the air reached her lungs, they no longer felt clogged, and the scent of the forest was a freshening touch. It made her miss her freedom even more. She wished she could stretch her legs and walk. Her back was sore from laying in bed all day. "There, that's nice, isn't it?" Matt takes in the fresh air himself, leaning out the window a little bit before turning back around and returning to his victim. "It's one way to clear the head."

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