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"Daaaaamn girl! You really do look hot!" Madison exclaimed when Zoe stepped out of the bathroom. Surprisingly enough, Madison had allowed her to go in there alone to change. The brunette was now wearing a tight fitting knee long black dress, to Madison's requirement.

"Thanks" Zoe looked down with a blush. She still struggled with compliments. "I do kind of like it. Thanks for making me do it" she admitted as she motioned to what she was wearing.

"See! I knew you'd like it!" the blonde smiled proudly. "Here" she handed Zoe a shot of what looked suspiciously like vodka.

"Is this alcohol?" the younger witch asked bewildered. "To the new Zoe" the other girl toasted, not bothering to answer the question.

Zoe lifted her shot to clink it with Madison's while rolling her eyes. They both downed it, Madison acting like it was actual water and Zoe like she had drunk a whole tank of gasoline. She began coughing and making faces.

"First time drinking vodka?" Madison laughed and downed another shot.

"First time drinking at all actually" Zoe had finally stopped coughing.

"I'm impressed" Madison admitted. And she was. Everytime she suggested something to her roomate, she was half expecting her to tell her to go fuck herself. But she never did. Maybe they could be friends after all.

"Can you zip me up?" Zoe turned around so that her back was to Madison. The blonde nodded and moved Zoe's hair out of the way carefully. She then proceeded to zip the dress up and left a soft kiss on Zoe's bare shoulder for good measure. She had no idea why she did that, it just felt right.

The taller girl turned around with a smile on her face, not even questioning her roomate's actions whatsoever. "Thank you"

Madison smiled shyly. What the hell was happening to her? She was not the affectionate type. And she was definitely not the shy type. But since Zoe's arrival, she couldn't really recognize herself or understand her behaviour.

"Makeup time!" the blonde brought up the eyeliner, mascara and lipstick she was holding to show the brunette.

Zoe sighed but sat down nonetheless. There was no use in arguing with her roomate. And even though she hardly ever put makeup on, it wasn't that bad. She just didn't understand why people would want to wake up earlier than needed every morning just to paint on their face. She's much rather use her money to buy food or go out with her friends. Well, former friends. None of them had talked to her since Charlie's death. They were his friends after all.

The older girl began her work, careful not to put too much on, Zoe was already naturally beautiful.

"Tadaaa" Madison raised both hands to admire her work. Let's be honest, Zoe was drop dead gorgeous. Madison could almost be jealous of her.

"Wow! You did a great job!" Zoe was impressed by her own reflection.

"I'd totally do you" Madison blurted from behind her without thinking.

"You're drunk" Zoe responded, looking at Madison through the mirror. Strangely enough, it was not weird. Zoe was beginning to get used to her roomates weird comments. She still struggled to accept them though.

"Please" Madison huffed "it takes more than two shots of vodka to get me tipsy!" she reminded Zoe oh her former alcohol problem. "Anyway, where is your boyfriend taking you?"

"We're going to see A Simple Favor and then we might go somewhere to talk" Zoe smiled and went to retrieve her phone from her bed to see if Kyle had texted her. She decided to ignore the boyfriend thing comment since Madison just wouldn't listen anyway.

There for You - ZadisonWhere stories live. Discover now