"I should try to find Madison." Zoe said to Kyle. It had been a while since she'd last seen her and although she knew that Madison was very capable to fend for herself, Zoe already felt very protective towards the blonde she'd met only a few hours ago.

"Do you want me to help you?" Kyle kindly asked. He was a really good person and Zoe couldn't really think of anything she didn't like about him. But she knew she could never be with him. Not after what happened to Charlie. She couldn't do this to anyone else. She knew she couldn't get attached to the boy and that it would only make things worse for both of them. Yet, she couldn't bring herself to reject him.

"Sure, if you don't mind." she replied with a small smile which only brightened Kyle's.

"Let's go then! I'll go check upstairs" he offered and made his way towards the staircase.

Zoe checked the kitchen, the backyard, the lounge, aven the bathroom and the garage. But there was no sign of the blonde. The newfound witch was about to make her way upstairs when the frat boys rushed down, almost making her lose her balance. Kyle was racing behind them and shouting. As he passe Zoe, he only had time to tell her "Second door on the right" before he was out the door.

Zoe stood there for a few seconds, taking it all in. What the fuck had just happened?! She followed Kyle's directions and what she saw when she entered the room broke her heart "Shit!"

She rushed towards the bed where Madison was lying, almost lifelessly. "Hey, Madison. Hey" she called softly while trying to remove the girl's hair from her face. "Did they give you something?" It was quite obvious that the older witch was not in her normal state but Zoe genuinely did not know what she was expected to do in such a situation.

Madison only manage to groan something unintelligible before passing out again. Zoe rose up from the bed in search of a blanket to cover Madison's shivering frame. She seemed to have regained consciousness and was now tossing and whining on the bed. Zoe covered her and took her hand reassuringly. "Stay here. I'm not gonna let them get away with this!"

She made a move to leave but Madison managed to catch her wrist. Her eyes were barely open but you could see how broken and desperate she was. "I promise I'll be right back. I just can't let them leave." she explained.

Madison's grip tightened around Zoe's wrist. The taller girl glanced towards the door then to Madison, debating her options. She could easily break Madison's weak grip but when she saw her pleading eyes and still shaking frame, she knew she could not leave her there like this. So she climbed on the bed next to her, careful not to touch the blonde, not being sure of how comfortable she was with physical contact right now.

As soon as her legs were propped on the bed though, Madison was clutching onto her as if her life depended on it, which maybe it did. Zoe settled on wrapping her arms around the now sobbing girl, running her hand through her blond tresses with the hope of calming her down. "I'm here" she whispered, though she was not sure that the actress could hear her through her sobs. Whether she did or not, Madison's crying became even more violent. Her head was tucked against Zoe's stomach, her left arm was thrown over the other girl's waist, bringing her impossibly closer while her right hand was clinging onto the material of the younger witch's borrowed dress. Zoe kept on running her hand through her hair while whispering reassuring words against the top of her head.

Madison eventually seemed to calm down, and soon enough, she was fast asleep against her new found friend. That did not stop Zoe from continuing her ministrations though. It had been a few minutes before Kyle came in barging through the door, out of breath and looking quite disorientated. Zoe, who had almost fallen asleep herself, shot up from to a sitting position. Luckily enough, Madison didn't even flinch and seemed to still be sleeping, which was a huge relief.

There for You - ZadisonWhere stories live. Discover now