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"Madison!" Zoe blurted as she jolted awake.

"What's up?" the blonde witch looked up from her laptop. She was sitting on Zoe's bed on the other side of the room.

"What?... Why?..." Zoe mumbled. Nothing was making sense and she did not even know what was real anymore. "Are you okay?"

"Sure, why are you asking?" Madison shrugged before turning back to her laptop.

"Because of what happened yesterday night at the part-"

"Can we please not talk about it?" Madison interrupted "It's in the past, there's no need to dwell on it." she said flatly, not even glancing away from her Twitter feed. She had been looking for hours to ensure that none of what had happened the night before got leaked.

"Are you sure? I mean, it must have been pretty traumatic, don't you-"

"I said I'm fine!" the blonde snapped but immediately calmed down, there was no use in releasing her anger on Zoe. "Please" she whispered almost desperately "I'm obviously fine" she gestured to herself "so there's no use in thinking or talking about it. I've been through a lot worse anyway" she mumbled the last part but Zoe was able to hear her.

She was about to retort but decided against it when she saw Madison's menacing glare. Instead, she just smiled and told her that she'd be there if she ever changed her mind. To which madison only shrugged while hiding her small smile. It did kind of felt good to have someone care about her.

"So what are we doing today?" Zoe asked. She didn't know what a witch's day was made of yet.

"We have morning gathering in 15 minutes so you better get dressed" Madison motioned to what the taller girl was wearing. "It usually doesn't last long. And then, we can go and do whatever the fuck we want since it's saturday. We only have classes from Monday to Friday." she explained.

"Why? Did you have something in mind?" she shut her laptop, ready to listen to Zoe's plan.

"I was thinking about going out with Kyle. Wanna tag along?" Zoe looked up from her phone to smile at Madison. But the diva's expression was blank. All hints of a smile now gone.

"No." Madison stated and left the room without another glance towards her roomate. Zoe sat there dumbfounded. What had just happened? Did she say anything wrong? Madison had seemed so nice when she woke up.

"I expect you downstairs in 5 minutes." Cordelia's voice from outside the room broke her out of her thoughts. She threw on some jeans and a black t-shirt and left the room, trying to find the living room in the maze that this house was.

When she finally got there, she took a seat on the sofa next to Madison and smiled at her, trying to get a reaction. Anything at all really. But the movie star did not even look at her and just kept on staring at her joined hands resting in her lap.

"Madison. Zoe. May I know what happened last night?" Cordelia asked once she was settled in the big armchair in front of them. "Why was a boy leaving the house at 3 in the morning?"

Zoe glanced at Madison, who still hadn't moved and didn't look like she had even heard Cordelia. So Zoe tried to come up with a valid excuse. "We went out and he drove us back. But nothing happened. I mean... We didn't... Madison was-"

"I was too drunk to drive and figured it was better if we got a lift" Madison finally spoke, looking at Zoe threateningly. She had no intention of letting anyone know about last night.

"That was really responsible of you girls." Cordelia nodded "Is that all there is to know?" she raised an eyebrow, knowing Madison's tendency to get into trouble all too well.

There for You - ZadisonWhere stories live. Discover now