Chapter 8

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Yeah yeah, I know I said next update won't take long, but I really want to get more comments and votes before updating this chapter, am sorry for the long wait, but if the votes and comment of this is really high than what I've seen in the last chapters, then the next will be up soon so tell others too to vote and comment PWEASH!!!


"You?!!" I screamed with my eyes almost out of its socket, as Labi, Simi and Yetty shouted "Josh!!" "Oh my God!!" "Arrrgh!!!". Am sure people twenty miles from where we were could hear us even with the windows wind up, and sure enough, some were curiously looking at the car, trying to guess what the noise was all about, but they couldn't, thanks to the fact the windows were tinted, wouldn't want the population of the whole school on us. All the while, I noticed the Shegs guy a little disappointed when he looked at Yetty...hmn?

"Hello girls" a deep baritoned voice sounded from Josh who was by my side, bringing my face which was not only filled with shock now, but also dread back to his. He smiled at us, and turning to me said "Nice seeing you again". I gulped.

"Am sure you all know my name, and that's Shegs" he said while pointing to Shegs who was sitting at the passenger side, while he continued. "my manager who am sure you met outside earlier, and yesterday night too. So mind telling me your names?"

We were all still shell shocked and our brain didn't register the fact that he just asked us our names until Shegs turned back to us in his seat and shouted "Ladies!!" while looking at Yetty with an expression I can't fathom at the moment, and we snapped out of it.

Yetty was the first, and she quickly gave him a chirpee and removed her phone from the case, turning it to the back and asked for an autograph, before shaking her head no, and giving him her bag. As he was about to sign it, she shouted "no no, not that!" She lifted the hem of her blouse and asked him to autograph it again.

"Am not sure you've decided what you want me to autograph yet" Josh said with a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

"Oh, got it now, just autograph my top" She stretched the hem further to him, and he finally autographed it. Simi also snapped out of her trance-like state and also asked him to autograph both sides of her sleeves, while Labi got one on her wrist and another on her cap.

All three of them really were uncertain at what they want him to auto graph.Josh was about to turn to me with the chirpee still in his hand when Yetty turned him around, drew the neckline of her top down, revealing the top of her boobs to everyone with her purple bra hand on show and asked him to autograph her boobs. Shegs eyes almost popped out of it's socket, couldn't blame him though, Yetty's boobs are naturally blown to the sizes of two large baloons, so you could imagine lifting a 'D' shaped boobs up more to the chin area and exposing it to the world.

"Seriously? This is definately going to be part of the moment I really don't want to be known as your friend or have any connection or association with you" Simi groaned out, face palming herself while Labi rolled her eyes and murmured to herself about 'how she just can't believe she's a friend with a slut'. I simply raised my brow and looked on with interest, it didn't suprise me though, it's something Yetty will do any day, was starting to think she's not really alright when she brought out her phone for auto graph, that was simply not her.

I looked back to Shegs, and he's seriously enjoying the view, and Josh is really having a good time with the show in front of him, judging with the way he's biting his lower lip, and the come hither looks he's giving Yetty and the driver seems he can't stop himself from looking either. Josh finally snapped out of it and autographed her boobs while giving it a not so subtle caressing. Typical celebrity/playboy act. A slight look of jealousy passed across Shegs face though before he schooled his features to a blank look.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2014 ⏰

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