Chapter Six

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PLS. READ: Haven't proof read this, but really felt like uploading, so here it is, i may add to it, or subtract from it if i feel something is not right with it...So just bear with me on this chapter, and expect any changes later on.


I waited for Labi to re-arrange her books properly, as her back pack refuses to zip up, due to her careless arrangement of books so we'll leave for the hostel. We've been in and out of lecture room all day, and am tired to the bones. Hell, one more lecture, and am sure i'll go crazy!

"Relax a little girl friend." Labi said noticing my impatient mood as more students pushed their way around to the exit, some whispering and some pointing with their fingers under their chin at me, "we still have to wait for Yetty and Simi" Labi continued.

The last class we had was a general course for all year two students, and the class where the lecture was held was closer to Yetty and Simi's faculty, so they sat at the front of the class, while Labi and I were at the back. I spotted them though making their way towards us, but very slowly due to the throng of student making their way to the exits too.

The total number of student for the course is three hundred and fifty student in all, and the 'class' used is a big hall, more or else an auditorium, with four different wide exits, but that doesn't stop the 'leg traffic' and pushing to make it out of the lecture room.

It's been a hell of a day after the party, the school press had covered the story of Josh Blaze performance, and there's a picture of me-the girl he danced with and him, Josh Blaze as we were on the stage, which has been posted on every board of the school, and in every faculty.

Through out the day, its been with people pointing at me, asking if i knew him before, are we related?, did i date him before? was i his ex? why did he decide to dance with a random girl like me? And the question goes on and on...

What the hell? Am i supposed to know all that? duh! 

And to top all that off, the group of bitches in my class have been doing their best at being a snob that they always are with me, with

"its not as if you were looking gorgeous that he danced with you, far from it, you're just too plain for someone like him. Its probably because you were sitting at the front roll. And we-Tina, Stella and i ended up being his date for the night, he was so pleased you know. Rita had said.

What the hell!!! Who cares!!

The group of bitches involve five snobbish, egocentric girls.

Names:Tina, Edna, Stella, Rakiya, and the one and only leader of the group Rita.

Some said nice things though, like complementing my dress, how beautiful i looked in the dress, and some guys even flirts harmlessly with me, causing me to laugh which made the day a little bit brighter.

On days like this, you know those who are kind, soft, nice, and those who will forever be bitches, and even some who wants familiarity and will stoop low for it, thinking am related to the famous Josh Blaze.

All these and the endless lectures i had today was more than too much of an event for a regular girl like me who just appears in class for lectures, says 'hi' to some friends, and goes back to her hostel. All thanks to the famous Josh Blaze whose kiss has been popping up in my head all day.

Jeez just forget about the damn kiss! Will you?! Am sure he'll have gotten lot of girls from the time he left till the moment you are now as Rita said, probably slept with six different girls while you're here having fantasies that are not real.

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