Chapter One

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Hi everyone, am new here, and this is the first time EVER that am going to write a story for people to read...

That's besides writing for lecturers to read and judge you


Pls pls pls your comment is very much welcomed, whether good or bad. But when I mean bad I didn't say badmouthing kind of bad.

I always have this ideas of writing, but ideas is not the same as putting it into action. So, as you're reading, comment, thanks a lot :)

AND just to make things clear, this is a fictional story from one of my silly imaginations. SO that means the characters in this story are not real, and the events are not real either.

HAVE FUN WHILE READING :) Cos am having fun writing this.

Labi and I returned back to the hostel to our other room mates dressing and getting ready for.... whatever. I feel so tired after my last class and sure knows a bath will make me feel better and refreshed, considering the weather outside is way past hundred degrees, then I can go through and revise my notes and textbooks as I do every day after my lectures. But decided to rest a while before doing that when one of my crazy room mates spoke up

"Hey Debbie, ain't you going to get ready for the party, it's really going to be coool and!!" Yetty said, using her hands and face to express herself.

"Which party?" I asked knowing am not going to go with them anyway, but, sure it won't hurt asking.

"The Blaze with unilag of course" replied Simi, while glaring at me.

Oh! I've forgotten all about it!. The party has been quite a talk on campus recently, and even some lecturers wants to attend, scratch that, most of the lecturers wants to be there. Humph!

"Josh Blaze will be there and its free, no tickets and fees involved, all you need is your student i.d. Common, we've talked about this yesterday, so don't go changing plans and spoil the fun for us" Yetty said.

Josh Blaze is a very well renowned hip hop artist in the country and one might even say worldwide, he has the world at the tip of his finger anyway.

"Hey...I just got back now, and besides am not the only one not ready yet" I replied, relaxing on my bunk a little before going to take that bath i mentioned earlier.

"Labi is already getting ready, so you should get your lazy ass of that bed now and do the same too" she replied.

"Of course she's not, she is resting too" I replied.

"Am not!, am getting ready and so should you" Labi replied.

I looked over at her and saw she's already in her black bra and matching underwear, to get refreshed and changed for the party and sighed.

"You guys go, am too tired, and besides I need to revise my notes..."

"Just hold it there" Yetty cuts in, "we all know you study way too hard than expected, and you are also way too serious too, but NOthing, will stop you from attending this, besides you and Labi take same courses, and her grades are good, which means a day partying won't put any wrinkles on your perfect grades" she said, and I scowled at her, annoyingly.

Seeing that Yetty and Simi won't let me off the hook easily, with both of them scowling and staring down at me, making me want to itch my nose, I turned to the only one and amazingly soft of the trio, who I know will take pity on me and let me off with sympathy.

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