Chapter Three

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Debbie's P.O.V

Even though am so engrossed in the novel i was reading, i still noticed how packed the auditorium had become, and so full noises of whoops and whistling. Obviously, everyone were enjoying themselves. I just silently sent a prayer to my guardian angel to protect me, because with the show being free, i hope there won't be rascals who'll fight for girls and smash bottles on each others head and turn the whole party into a rioting sort of thing, which am sure free shows like this attract. Anyway, i consentrated on the novel i was reading, even though it's becoming impossible to consentrate with the laughs of the audience towards a joke the MC was saying, and then Yetty elbowed me, laughing

"Comon Debbie! forget that novel and join in the fun here, the show is really getting interesting" she said and i rolled my eyes, she has told me that now for the tenth time, everything starting with her elbowing me of course.

Being once a naughty girl, am familiar with all these partying though, lying to my parent that am going to the liberary when am actually going to a party, but all in all, it ends up with the you and your guy doing stupid things and at the end of it, banging each other.

So am not surprised with all these, far from it, am tired and weary of it, and pitied some girls who will end up dumped by their boyfriends today when they see another beautiful girl, that's for the lucky ones, but for some, it will be a case of two timing, and the guys boasting to their friends how they shagged who, and some of their friends will make a bet on who will get into your pants next. It's really annoying and disgusting!

With that thought in mind, i returned my attention to the novel, and my face lits up as i read a funny part. But the joy was short lived as Labi grabs the book from my hands.

"Hey!, give that back" i hollered amidst the noise

"No freaking way, i gave you the book when the party hasn't started, to pass away time, not ignoring the event" she replied with a smart smile.

"Debbie comon.." Yetty said pouting, "just this night is not too much to ask from you to lighten up is it?"

I looked from her to Simi who was also pouting, and a very downcast Labi, and my heart tugged, a little.

"Comon, pleease this night of fun just for us" Simi batted her eyes pleadingly at me

"Alright!" i sighed, in defeat

And they all wear a big grin, "Promise to get loose and loose your spirit to the party?" Labi said happily

"O.k, i promise, party it is, but am getting that novel, when we get back to the hostel" i said.

"No problem dear, just let your spirit flow with the party" she replied.

Party it is then, a little fun won't hurt so i joined with a happy mood, for my friends though, don't wanna ruin the fun for them, they may be naughty at times, but i love them.

The very loud whoops and whistling of the crowd brought me back to the present as lights were dimmed and only coloured lights illuminated the stage, announcing the main event of the show as Josh Blaze got to the stage, and started his performance.

I knew the song he was singing, it was his latest released single, the whole crowd were singing with him and there was a smile plastered to my face as my friends were jumping and swinging to the song, i couldn't help but stand and stare at them with the smile still tugging my lips.

Since we were sitting at the very front seat, i noticed some other girls streching their hands to the stage as he went around giving them a high five. Even my friends were streching hands too, and i couldnt help but giggle as they've all gone ballistic for the hip hop guy.

Still giggling, i felt a strong firm hand pulling me up the stage, i turned to look at the hands, then at the owner, and... OMG!

Is Josh Blaze pulling me up the stage? for what??

I let him pull me towards him though, with my heart doing a heavy turn of thud thud thud. I could feel it not staying in my ribs any longer, but now at my throat.

And every girl in the auditorium went crazy with different form of screeching on top of their voice, even the guys were applauding him.

I stood glued to a spot on the stage though, not knowing what he wants from me, and stared speechless at the faces of people, then i looked at my friends, and Labi shouted "dance Debbie dance, atta girl" with so much vigour have never seen her possess.


Thats when i noticed that Josh hands were around my waist, pulling me towards him and dancing behind me.

Oh!, he picks a babe among the crowd to dance with to impress his fans of course. What else will he want with you?

Alright then, if he wants to give a show to his audience, then it won't hurt giving them something. And who am i kidding?? This does not happen to a girl every day of her life, so it's best to enjoy it.

With that thought in mind, i swayed to the song i know very well, twisting and rolling my hips to it with all the vigour have got in me. Oblivious to the screams of the audience as he pulled me tight to him with no space between us, and i forgot how to breath and all the screams around me as i focused my attention to the guy who has his hands all over me.

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