Chapter Five

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Debbie's P.O.V

As i practically ran from the stage, away from the smoking hot celebrity that just kissed me, to my friends, i couldn't stop the frantic beat of my heart.

Wow, he's so hot! and that kiss...that kiss, just cant explain it, 'twas like some unknown forces were using my body for fireworks.

Argh! Debbie stop thinking about it, he'll have any girl he wants any way, and the only thing that he'll want if he's ever interested in you is sex. So it's better to let it go and forget all about the kiss before you get yourself dreaming of a hot celebrity who does not even know you exist.

"Wow..!, Debbie, please tell me what i saw is real, am not just dreaming, and you God!, you just kissed Josh Blaze??!! Yetty screeched as i got to my seat breathless.

" you danced!, whooo....i'v..i'v never seen you dance like that before" Simi interjected hyperventilating and holding both hands to her chest.

"I..i..i know you can dance, yes. But you only dance in the bathroom, and in the room with us, you've never danced when we have another audience,, OMG! you just danced like there's no tommorow with...i may faint now...Josh Blaze?!!" Labi screeched.

And the next thing, they all screamed together "Arrrrrgggggghhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!"

My! what can a girl do with these type of friends i thought as i covered my ears till the screaming subsided.

"Jeez! girls, i thought you've decided to scream the building down" i said when they've calmed down.

"Oh, who wouldn't if your uptight friend danced all her life away in five minutes with a hot celebrity" Yetty replied, her eyes lit up.

I took a deep breath and said

"Hey! we decided to enjoy the night didn't we? to forget about work and just have fun, so that's what just happened. It's not every day a girl gets to dance with a hot hip hop celebrity, so i decided to enjoy myself."

"Am so happy you did, for a second there, i thought you'll just stand there and not move, wouldn't want the audience to 'boo' you offstage, and you danced well, never seen you dance like that" Labi said smiling lovingly at me.

"Yea, and that was it?" Simi asked dreamily

"Am not talking about that" i replied her

"Aww..comon Debbie, how was the kiss? hmm?" Yetty asked again

"It was just a kiss, that's all" i replied again.

"Comon...that's not an answer" Labi nagged. "Is it hot and makes ones toes wanna curl or the opposite?"

"Oh! seriously, you guys don't want me to answer that, and am not going to answer that anyway" i stated

"Ah, sugar, you should know we won't stop our nagging and interrogation if you don't give a definite answer" Yetty quipped in.

"Okies..lets make it easy for her", Labi told them before turning to me again "How about you rate the kiss of five star, what will it be"

Seriously... i'll advice people to stop being friends with these girls. Yes these girls, when they behave like this, i don't know them.Humph!

"Debby..?" i heared, and saw three expectant pair of eyes looking at me, waiting for an answer.

"Alright i'll rate it four stars" i told them, and they all sighed together, their eyes looking dreamy.

Not that i'll tell them Josh's kiss can't be compared to any have had before, becayse saying that is like digging my grave. I'll never hear the end of it.

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