Chapter Seven

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NOTICE: To those who have been reading this story before, i added and changed a little part of chapter six, so you can go back to read it, but if you don't want to, it's not compulsory really, just made a little adjustment to make it more in tune with the plot.

Relax and enjoy as you read this chapter.

Love ya :)

After calling George and him giving us the okay to come because he's not busy and his fiancee had classes and can't hangout with him, we made our way to the campus with Shegs constant talking like that of an old lady, which i've completely tuned out to, but unfortunately, he finally noticed i tuned him out, because he was seriously hitting my shoulder, which hurts...seriously? could he behave more like a man?...Obviously not.

"What now?" i asked exasperated...couldn't take the hitting anymore.

"I think i can see the girl we came here for" he replied excitedly, why he's happy is beyond me, thought he'll be all grumpy about all this but i guess not. Though there's a shine in his eyes, that am certain it's due to something else, but for the life of me, i couldn't figure it out. Hmm...NOTE TO SELF: make sure i ask him/get him to spill

"Really? where?" i was unsure of his sight, probably his eyes playing tricks on him.

"Right over there!" he pointed "with her group of friends".

I looked over to where he pointed, and truly saw the same girl i danced with and her friends in what seems to be a heated conversation. Of course they won't be able to see us because the car is tinted, and i can't afford to get out of the car to walk to them, that'll be more like begging the flood of students which 99.9% of them will be fans to kill me since there's no guards with me, gave them the day off, had to have a 'non-celebrity' life once in a while, like old times. And just as an idea came up, Shegs voiced it out like a mind reader.

"Hey, i'll walk to them and ask them to join us for a ride okay?"

"Okay, Sam pull over" i said to the driver, and watched as Shegs made his way to the ladies, and i watched as one in particular suddenly stop on spotting him, causing the rest to run into her, while the one beside her tried to steady her.


"What the 'F' Yetty?" I asked as i tried not to fall on my ass.

"What was that about?" Simi asked as she picks up her book that had fallen due to her slamming into Labi, obviously, the book is too big for her bag.

"S..s.sorry, but i think my sight is getting really bad, and i need to go get glasses or contacts before it really goes blind, or my eyes are playing tricks with me" she finally answered dazed. Did i just say Yetty is in a dazed mode? hmm Yetty...dazed that's a new one, things rarely gets to her or bothers her.

"And what are you seeing? can you even see at all? hey?! how many fingers am i holding up?" Labi asked worriedly, instantly switching to her 'mother mode'

"Am seeing the hot guy who got us fries yesterday" she manage to say without screaming, while composing herself as we looked ahead to see the 'hot guy' of yesterday already three steps from us.

Yetty cleared her throat as Labi released her, and we all composed ourselves and walked slowly.

"Hi girls" nice voice...not really a deep baritoned male voice, but a sort of chirpyness mixed with a deep baritoned voice, making his voice come out sweet.

But at that instant i recieved the shock of my life, because the voice that answered really fast and with a lot of enthusiasm behind it was that of Yetty, it might have appeared normal if not for the little hand wave she made with it, which made her come across like a sweet angel which decended from heaven to take care of this one man standing in front of us now. Hmm... strange, strange happenings Debbie, all strange happenings since last night, but is Yetty crushing on a guy? No way, something must be wrong with my imagination, probably Josh messed with it yesterday.

"Hi" the rest of us chorused.

"Do you guys remember me?"

"Of course we do" Yetty replied him hapily again, and we relunctantly nodded.

"Alright, we saw you guys treking and decided to give you a lift to your destination, hope you don't mind?" very polite

"We don't" Yetty quickly replied again, which made Labi and Simi slightly frown at her.

"Of course we do, who are you? and who are the 'we'? and how are we sure we're going to be safe? and you don't want to kidnap us or use us for money rituals?" i countered Yetty's reply, which made her turn to me with her mouth hanging open, while Labi and Simi were trying not to burst from trying to hold their laughter down. I looked back at Yetty and she is still giving me the 'what the fuck?' look but hey! this is Africa and the country is Nigeria, it may have changed due to civilisation and all, but you still can't rule out the fact that some barbarians who still practice black magic are non-existent, though i might come across as an uncivilised girl to him, and the look he's giving me is saying as much too, but this is a country where accepting lift from a stranger is very risky, school environment or not.

He clears his throat and straightened his shoulder, making him look so formal, and if looks could kill, then the glare am recieving from Yetty now will have ended my life.

Good! that's more like it, don't think because you got us chips yesterday and all will make us all sweet towards you today, besides this is a very large campus, the rate of stumbling into him is 1 of 10, so he might be a stalker.

"My name is Shegs, that is Segun (pronounced She-goon), and am a music director and a manager at it too. The 'we' i refered to earlier is just me and my friend, who you'll meet when you get in the car, and no, am not going to kidnap you or.." he took a deep breath while looking at me like am a wierdo before he continued "...use you for any sort of ritual".

Labi and Simi couldn't hold up any longer and they full on laughed while holding onto one another.

After they've quietened down, i turn to them with a raised brow in question, and they both nodded, then Labi turned to him and said "nice meeting you Shegs" while we all chorused

"Same here" but Yetty's voice was more merrier.

"We are heading back to our hostel which is off campus, outside the second gate of the school" Labi continued "You can lead the way to your car" she motions for him to turn around and move so we could follow. He was hesitant at first and if you look at his face well enough, you'll see the trace of a slight frown there but he gave a slight fake smile, which Labi, Simi and I returned with a fake smile of our own, while Yetty shut her eyes and took a deep breath trying not to strangle us on spot.

We followed him to the said car, which was neatly parked by the roadside and got in to recieve the shock of our lives.

Am dedicating this chapter to @Aaliyah619 for being such a dear, and i also want you to check out her story, she's got a great thing going really, and i want you to support her.

And also dedicating it to @kasliicikolatam for her wonderful comment, and also for being an awesome friend and reader here on wattpad.

And finally to you all for being an amazing reader. You really don't know how much you mean to me. Thanks to you all

Hey!! so all the mushy things apart now, DON'T think you can leave without leaving a comment or voting!!

Hurry and go do that now...come on!...:) xx

Whistling Jessie J-Price tag while dogging to the lyrics...really feel high...tada!! expect a new update soon my little angels...lols ;)

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