Chapter 12

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Anastasia POV

I woke up today feeling very hot and sweaty.

Moving the sheets of me to get some cool air, it kind of helped. Except this was caused by my delicious mate wrapped around me like ivory.

Trying to remove his hands and legs off me, keyword trying.

Looking over my shoulder at the clock I see it's already 3:30. Dang.

That's way late! Turning over so I'm back to facing Cole I start poking him.

"Hey" poke "I'm" poke "hungry"

"I'm tired, so leave me alone for like 5 minutes." he grumbled on the pillows.

"Fine, I'll go get ready and you better be up when I am done." I said moving his legs and arms off me.

Hearing a grunt as an answer, I walk over to the bathroom turn on the shower and wait for it to warm up. When it was warmed up, I take of Cole's white shirt, that I don't remember putting on and getting in the shower. Washing my hair with some of Cole Axe, what it smells great. I think it’s called Dark Temptation. I don't know, but it smells amazing!

Getting out of the shower, I dry myself off and I don't have any clothes in the bathroom.

How clique, right?

Wrong, those other girls left the clothes out on accident. *wink wink*

Why not give him a show? I mean my middle name is tease.

Walking out the bathroom door and into the bedroom, the first thing I notice is Cole leaning against the headboard. He looked pretty tired, until he saw me.

In a nanosecond he is in front of me, "I know what you are trying to do." He said huskily in my ear. Making my wolf purr of happiness, of having her mate so close.

"Really? What's that?" I ask mock innocence.

"Your my dear mate are a tease." He said lifting up his head so he is staring right at me. "And its not going to work, because I have a surprise and you need to go get ready." He said slapping my butt and pushing me into the closet. "Chose the silver dress." He said leaving me in the room.

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