Drunk At Pete's House.

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I knock on the door to Pete and Bronx's Home. (a/n Megan is not in this story. I'm too lazy to add her.) Pete opened the door.

"Hey Trick " he said all happy like.

" Hi uncle Pete. Where is Bronx at? " said J standing beside me.

" inside in his room, J" he said. She ran in side but stopped at walked back to Pete. She waved her hand for Pete to come down her Size. She whispers something in his ear. His eyes widen and filled with sadness. She finished and walked up stairs.

"come in Patrick. I'll get us something drink" he said. I nod. I walked into the living room and sat down on the couch. Pete came back with a beer and water. I grab for the water but Pete gave me the beer.

"your gonna need it. Start explaining. " he said. I uncapped my beer and took a sip of it. I started to explain and by the end I was in tears, crying into pete's chest and on my 3rd beer.

" I'm a mess, Pete " I mumbled.

" hey no your not. You are doing a good job at raising Julie. You manage a new relationship with And-"

"don't say his name!! " I said still in his chest. He hugged me tight.

" you manage a relationship with him. It's not your fault that Joe has feelings for him. Joe said he was sorry and he is still is. Hey. Don't let this get into the band. Okay. We will act like brothers for the fans and music. I don't want Fall Out Boy to fall apart again. I don't think i could do it if we stopped. Anyways Andy loves you. Believe me. You.. You have it all Patrick. Take that love and keep it for ever. Don't let people stop you. Don't let people take the love away for stupid reasons. Andy cares about you. Okay. He loves you, Patrick. Now love him back. " Explained Pete.

" Thank you, Peter. I-I w-will love him. I do love Andy. He is my everything. But why does it feel like he hates me? " i questioned the feeling in my tummy.

" he doesn't. He is just pissed off with Joe. " that filled my tummy. The answer I been waiting to hear. But I need Andrew to say it. Not just Pete. Andrew. I let Pete go and nod my head.

" can i stay here tonight and have some more beer? " I asked.

" yeah you and Julie can stay but this is the last beer" I nod and mumbled thanks.

He gave me another beer and drank it all within 5 minutes. I'm drunk.

"hahahahahahaha" I laughed. I'm a happy drunk. Don't judge.

"What are you laughing about? " said confused Pete.

" I Hahaha don't know " I laughed.

" your drunk! " said Pete.

" maybe. Hey can I have some more beer? " I asked.

" no. It's time for bed for PattyCakes " he said. He got up and picked me up bridal style and walked up to his room and sat me down on his bed. I got comfortable and Pete decided to lay in bed with me. I cuddle into his chest.

" Pete? " I asked

" yes? " he said

" will Andy get mad if I cuddle with you? " I asked

" no u don't think so. We slept in the same bed before. Why now?! " Pete said.

" okay well night Pete " I said closing my eyes.

" night Trick " he said. We both fall asleep in his bed. I dreamed about me and Andy walking down the streets of Chicago. Hand in hand. Then Joe comes and takes Andy way. Im left alone when Pete comes and takes me back to my place and he helped me through the problem. I wake up with tears in my eyes and sweat down my face. I'm hyperventilating. Pete wakes up and helps breath.

"1...2...3...4..." he said. I'm breathing better. I start to cry when I breath normal again.

"shhh it's okay Patrick. It's okay" coed Pete. I'm crying, shaking, and in Pete's arms. They are strong but gentle. Just like Andy's. I cry harder. I soon crying myself a sleep with Pete still coeing.

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