Everyone Knows About You Being Gay!

802 28 13

1 month later

Patrick's Pov

Right now I'm looking at the Tv. It has a picture of me and Andy. Elisa took a picture of Andy and me at my house when we was arguing. It's right at the moment when Andrew puts his arm around my waist. The title is called 'Gay?'. It's in newspapers, TV shows, Internet, people's blogs and shit. Some people are okay and others are bashing us bad. Here is me and my boyfriend watching people talk good and shity about our beautiful love for each other.

"Andy? " I said looking at him with a emotionless look.

He looks at me. Scared, upset, and down right pissed.

" Ya, Patrick? " he said looking at me.

" I'm going to hunt her down and kill her myself but at the same time I'm glad our relationship is out but I wish we could told people about us. Not the bitch that ruins EVERYTHING! " I said.

" I agree " he said. Then the damn phone rings. I pick it up and answer it.

" Hi, yes this is Peoples magazine. I'm Cloe. Is this Patrick Stump? " she asked.

" Hi and yes this is him. What can I do for Ya? " I said trying to keep the cool.

" well I'm doing the topic 'Stump and Hurley' and are you okay to come in a do a interview with us? It just be you, Mr. Hurley and me. I would like both " she said excited.

" umm sure when? " I asked

" around 3:00 today or do you need at different date? "

" no that is okay " I said. I'm glad they want mine and Andy's opinions.

" great! See you later Mr. Stump! "

" bye" and the call ended.

I walk over to my boyfriend and told him about the call. He understood and went to call Joe to watch J. Which she is upstairs on her school computer, learning. She has a couple of more weeks till summer.

Andrew told me that Joe is coming with Ruby in a hour. Why early, who knows?! Probably just wants to see us. It's noon and lunch time. I decided to make everyone lunch.

We ate lunch and me and Andy decided to get ready. I took a shower and got cleaned up. I put on red t shirt, boxers, black skinny jeans, Jean jacket, glasses. I combed my dirty blonde hair. I put on a black with red ribbon fedora. I look at myself in the full length mirror and see myself from head to toe. I see my feet in socks. Shit. I need shoes on. I grab a pair of converse looking Nike shoes that came out like a month ago and put them on. Andy is in the guest room, getting ready and I go to Julie's room and see her working on kindergarten math with folie a deux album playing. It's her favorite, it and Infinity On High. I lay beside her on the floor and watch her do math. She is pretty good at it so. She looks at me and shows me a small smile.

"hey" she said looking at the computer.

"hey" I said looking at the computer too.

"when is Joey coming? " she asked.

I smiled at the name she gave Joseph.

" In a few minutes, how long do you have left till you're done? "

" about 15 minutes " she mumbled.

" okay, hey J? "

" What? " she said looking at me.

" do you want to go to a public school? "

She paled. "no"

"Why not? You could make friends and have a boyfriend or girlfriend when you get older. "

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