Chapter 8

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Today, Neymar and I were going to book tickets to Spain, while Austin, Rafaella, Deira, and Jasmine have double dates.

Forever alone, oh well as long as I've got pizza or Chinese food.

It's 10am, and Neymars going to be here at 12. To spend time I'm watching Switch At Birth. It's been my favourite tv show, but I missed so many episodes, I have no clue what's going on, but I decide to watch it anyway. After watching 2 episodes, I heard a knock on the door. I opened the door to see Neymar.

"Your early" I said.

"Well, hello to you too," He said. I rolled my eyes, and smiled. "I was getting bored" He continues. "Oh, and nice pj's" He told me looking at my unicorn pj's. I glared at him totally noticing the sarcasm.

"Never insult the unicorns!" I said coldly.

I opened the door for him to enter. He sat on the couch, and took out his phone. I leaned over to see what he was doing, typical on Instagram.

"Do you want to watch a movie? We can leave a bit late to book tickets," I asked him. He nodded. "Pick a movie, it's in under the table, and you can make popcorn they are in the cabinet near the refrigerator, while I go and take a quick shower and get ready" I told him.

I took a quick shower, and wore, red shorts, a white tank top with the 1D logo, and my red toms. I came out of my room, and smelled something burning. I went in the kitchen and saw 3 burnt packs of popcorn.

"How in the world did you burn, you know what never mind don't answer" I said shaking my head. 

He frowned, "Well I cant cook"

I shook my head laughing at his attempts. "You just need to know how long to cook it for in the microwave. Well any ways you can go sit down I'll make the popcorn" I told him, grabbing another bag of popcorn and putting it in the microwave.

"Good idea" He said leaving the kitchen.

I came back to see Neymar putting in Step Up Revolution. "Nice choice" I told him and jumped on the couch. He came and sat bedside me. I took my phone out and took a picture with him, captioning it 'Watching Step Up Revolution, with Neymar. Who knew he had such a good choice', putting it on my snapchat story.

I felt him move a bit closer to me, in few minutes into the movie, our thighs touching, making my heart pick up a pace.

Unknowns P.O.V:

"Oh, come on Steph, you and I would make a great team. I need her to stay away from Neymar, you want revenge, you hate her, I hate her. " I told her.

"But I also hate Jasmine" She told me

"Whatever, 2 birds with 1 stone" I said.

She smirked. "Welcome to the team," She told me shaking my hand.  "Don't mess this up, I expect a lot from you"

Noelle's P.O.V:

After watching the movie, Neymar and I went in his car to the travel agency and booked 6 business class tickets to Barcelona. Now we are at Starbucks.

We got our drinks and sat at a table. "So are you excited, we leave in 2 days to Spain?" Neymar asks me.

"You bet I am, I want to go to Camp Nou, so bad!" I said, and took a bite out of my cake pop.

"Well, now you know Neymar Jr, so going to Camp Nou won't be so hard," He said smirking. I laughed. "Barcelona is a great place, it's truly beautiful" Neymar continued.

"I can't wait to see it then" I said giving him a genuine smile for being so amazing.

"I haven't been to Starbucks since so long, damn I missed it" Neymar spoke, as he took a sip of his drink.

"Well, I drink it often and I'll probably drag you with me when I want it, so you'll be drinking it quite often. Don't hate it when you have start drinking it too much"   I laughed.

Unknowns P.O.V:

After my talk with Steph I headed to Starbucks. I saw Neymar and Noelle, I put my sunglasses, hat on and tried to cover my face with a few strands of hair so they won't recognize me. I sat behind them to get a better listen at their conversation. "So are you excited we leave in 2 days to Spain, Barcelona!" I heard neymar say. Ahh, so going to Spain, have fun. I text Steph telling her to book tickets, after 2 days. It would be easy, knowing where they will stay, since they are so popular.

Your trip just got a whole lot better. I thought smirking to myself.




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